Daily Download Day #23

I’m reaching out to our teams to help me keep you entertained as I give you our daily download links.  Here is a great and true story that took place in Charmaine’s house last night!   Charmaine is the fantastic designer – Wyld Web Designs – that has made this great daily download for you.  Casey is Charmaine’s 3 year old son….
Husband: Casey, come downstairs for a minute.
Casey: ok, just a second, I’m putting lotion on!
H: ummm, ok…..come downstairs and bring the lotion!
C: ok!!
….arrives shortly, one pantleg hiked way up and said leg covered in….
A&D diaper ointment!

Daddy had a long talk with him about not putting “lotion” on unless Mommy or Daddy are with him

I was laughing when I read this. I can just picture my 3 year old doing this too! Thanks for that great story Charmaine! At least you know Casey’s leg won’t have a rash on it! hahahaha

Ok, now that you all are entertained, here is your daily download!

If you have a funny story, or a joke you would like to share please let me know!  I would love to post it here!  Have you made a layout with the daily download?  I would love to show it off too!

Have a great Saturday!!


  1. LMAO!!!! How sweet!!!!

  2. crinkletoast says
  3. LOL, thank you for the laugh this morning….

    Thanks for DD. 🙂

  4. Thank you for the laugh, and the DD! 🙂