Hi everyone, this is Jen from Ginger’s CT, we all met Tuesday. Our new weekly feature is going to be: Meet the Designers. I sent a list of questions to some great designers and they said they would answer them! Enough about me, let’s get to the good stuff!
What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? Amber LaBau aka Stolen Moments at https://stolenmomentsdesign.blogspot.com/
Tell us a little about your family. My husband and I have been married for almost 5 years. We have a beautiful little boy – who is the focus of most of my scrapping – who just turned one. We also have two cats who were the babies first! We’re living in Kansas City, MO while my husband finishes up his MFA.
Do you work outside the home & if so what do you do? Nope – I’m lucky that way. 😀
What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping and designing? I love music and play the piano and sing. I also do – well, did – a fair share of acting before DS was born {my degree is in theatre}. I also go through phases of crocheting, sewing, and other miscellaneous craft projects….
When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? Last June I was looking for things to make a coupon book for Father’s Day. I remembered a cousin of mine had blogged about digi-scrapping, so that’s where I started looking. No one really taught me, I just look and try to apply what I see….
When did you start designing and how did you learn? July of last year. Also, no one taught me, I just looked at the other designs out there and tried my best to do what they had done. Once, again, observation is the best teacher – seeing what’s possible, and actually working with my own kits challenges me to keep progressing and learning.
How did you pick your companies name? I actually had a poll on my personal blog, but vetoed the winning moniker. I decided on Stolen Moments because in thinking about all the time I spent scrapping, it was mainly when my baby was sleeping and a few moments here and there during the day when I could sneak away from “real life”, and they were very decidedly “stolen” moments.
Who are your favorite three designers? This is a really hard one! There are SO many talented designers out there! A few that I really admire are Sara Belmont – Sweet Blossom Designs, Jessica Edwards, KimB, Vicki Parker.. the list could go on and on!
What are your favorite parts of a kit to design? I love designing papers! Each kit I do always ends up with several papers thrown out or saved for something else just because I always end up with too many!
What’s your favorite kit that you’ve designed? I really like how Alphabet Remix turned out – it was a remake of my very first kit, and it was so exciting to see how much I’d grown. I also love the colors in Sophisticated Grunge and Someone to Love.
What’s your least favorite? That’s not fair! 😛 Honestly, looking back, it’s probably Alphabet Soup – my first kit – simply because it was SO bad! (Although I was really proud of it at the time).
How do you get started on a kit? Palette first? Rough idea on what you want your papers or elements to look like? I definitely start with colors first. As I’m laying in bed each night before I go to sleep, all sorts of color combinations float through my head. I pick one, and depending on what it makes me feel – or what I think I could name a kit with those colors – that’s the direction I go… It’s very organic.
How long does it typically take you to make a kit? Depending on how much time I have to devote to it, if I’m doing other “projects” and how “inspired” I’m feeling, anywhere from 1-2 weeks. Once I did 2 kits in 1 week, though! {I was very inspired that week}.
What is the one word that best describes you? organized – although sometimes all this creative energy makes me a little scatterbrained! How about A-type or OCD? 😉
Who is the most important person in your life? my husband
What is something that not many people know about you? I’ve had my license suspended twice. 😀
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? I would love to go to Europe someday.. I know – not very specific, and very cliche, but what can you do? 😉
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? a teacher or an actress
What is your favorite food? chocolate and ice cream – in no particular order
What do you like doing with your family? We play board games – the good German ones.. none of this Monopoly and Life crap!… and we watch 24 😉
Where is your favorite place to be? curled up in bed during a thunderstorm, or after sleeping in.. which never happens anymore!
What are three things that are important to you? my family, my friends, my faith
Is there anything you would change about your life? not a one… except maybe getting into scrapbooking sooner! 😉
What are you afraid of? things that go bump in the night, or that something will happen to my husband while he’s away from home..
Do you collect anything? I used to collect thimbles, but not so much anymore.. they’re all still back at my parent’s house. My husband would say I collect hobbies, or better yet – un-finished projects! 😉
Amber, I totally get you on the collecting of un-finished projects… I have a knitting and paper scrapping grave yard in my garage! Thank you so much for answering my questions!
Amber sells her kits at Digital Candy. Here are some previews of my personal favorite kits of hers.

Not only can Amber design, but she scraps very well. She did this layout during a speed scrap the other day!
Credits: Sweet Dreams kit – A Work in Progress, Sweet Dreams add-on – Sweet Blossom Designs, Fresh alpha – Stolen Moments
Tomorrow we will have another great feature for you, and we will show you what happens when Amber gets her hands on one of Ginger’s kits!