Archives for February 27, 2009

Friday Feature- CoffeeShop!!

It is time for the Friday Feature!!!
I found this site a while ago, and I just love it!!!!

Do you ever look at professional photographs and wonder how you can get the look they achieve? Well, it take hours of tweaking settings and messing with photoshop until you get it all looking jut right. Well, todays Friday Feature has done all the work for you. She wraps it up into an action, that you can instal in Photoshop. You can then run her actions on any photograph and taadaa your photo now looks like t was taken by professional!!!!

And guess what the best part it.. she does it all for FREE!!!! So here she is.. the lady of the hour….Rita of-
Here is a pic of Rita and her family
Click on this link to read all about Rita

And here are just some of her awesome actiona that you can get for FREE on her site CoffeeShopActions. All previews are linked to Rita’s site so just click any of them to be taken to CoffeeShopActions. And make SURE you leave her some love!!

Thanks for stopping by today 🙂 hope you all have a great weekend!! Ginger