Hi All,
It’s Jen again. I am sorry there was no freebie list Monday. We were celebrating my husband’s birthday with my mother-in-law and funnily enough, my husband expected me to be there instead of helping Ginger troll the internet for freebies! There will be another freebie list soon!
This week we are meeting Sara, one of Ginger’s CT members.
What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? Sara Schwabedissen. https://belhepsibah.blogspot.com
Tell us a little about your family. I am married to Nate, my goofball and soul mate. We have been married for over 4 years. We also have our son, Zsolt, who is 6 months old – we are entirely smitten by him! (Editor’s note: I have seen pictures. I understand why you are so smitten!)
Do you work outside the home & if so what do you do? Nope! I’m proud to stay home with my little guy.
What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping? Reading, playing my saxophone and flute, sewing, and photography.
When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? I started the summer of 2008 and was taught by my BFF Rachel (aka Harmonystar)
Are you on any creative teams? Yup, GingerScraps!
Do you design at all? Not yet, I’ve been considering getting started, but haven’t gotten far yet.
What is your favorite challenge here at GingerScraps? I like the photo technique by Harmonystar, I’m always learning new things from her!
Who are your favorite three designers? Ginger, Petit Moineaux, and Shabby Princess.
What are some of your must have elements? I just love ribbons, flowers and buttons – they’re simple but can be used so many ways!
Whose gallery here at GingerScraps do you just love? nutsaboutgabe. Her stuff is always so beautifully done!
What’s your favorite kit in the store right now? I love Kayla’s Quilt, I use it all the time!
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would like to be a little less afraid of things and more outgoing.
What is the one word that best describes you? Ummm…quirky I guess.
Out of all your LO’s so far, what are your favorite 2 & why? I love my “Wonder” LO because it’s such a great picture of my boy and I just like the overall calm feeling of it.
I also love “My Love, My Life, My Everything” – I did it in a speed scrap and like the way the picture was separated and used. (Pssst! She used the Pixie Keepsakes kit, Retro Fall for this layout and it is available here in the Gingerscraps store!)
Who is the most important person in your life? It would definitely be a toss up between my husband and my son. Who could pick one over the other??
What is something that not many people know about you? I’ve always imagined the numbers in times tables as having personalities. Haha!
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? I would go with my husband to visit Hungary.
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? It seriously changed every week. But I will say I always knew I wanted to be a mother, it was my ultimate dream.
What is your favorite food? I just love sandwiches!
How did you pick you user name? It was a name my mom and I used to joke about and then in high school I told people that it was my middle name. So it just kind of seemed a good choice for a screen name.
What do you like doing with your family? We love to just lounge around the house when we have no where to be and spend time together.
Where is your favorite place to be? Home with my family.
What are three things that are important to you? My church, my family, and chocolate.
Is there anything you would change about your life? Well, I think I would love to be independently wealthy! Yes, I could live with that for sure!!
What are you afraid of? So many strange things you would be surprised. One example would be gas stations. See? I told you it was strange.
Do you collect anything? Digiscrap kits. Haha!