Archives for March 11, 2009

Let’s Meet a Designer: Ginger of Gingerscraps!

“Yes Virgina, there is a Ginger of Gingerscraps”, and here she is!”
Tell us a little about you and your family.
I come from a large and very close family! My parents still live in the house I grew up in, and I live like 5 minutes from them. My sister is my best friend and she lives in walking distance πŸ™‚ I love it!! I have 2 kids Isabelle 11, and Chandler 8, they are the light of my life!!!

What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping and designing?
ummm none hahaa.. No , I like to read, bead, paint, and rock out with my kids (Playing RockBand) I am the drummer πŸ™‚
When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you?
I started when my daughter was born 11 years ago. My sister Julie and I quickly became addicted!! Then I kept seeing these amazing digital pages in scrapbooking magazines. I decided to learn how to digi- scrap. I taught myself πŸ™‚
When did you start designing and how did you learn?
I started designing here and there, just to make things for my own layouts… then once I started the freebie blog I was seeing so much great stuff every day when I was looking for freebies. I decided to make my first kit.. Beach Glass. I just did a make over on it, it is still free. You can get it in my store.
How did you pick your company’s name?
My name is Ginger πŸ™‚ So GingerScraps sounded perfect.
When did you start your blog, and when and how did you start Gingerscraps?
I honestly do not remember… I think I started the blog in May of 2008- wow it took off like crazy!!! People love a good freebie πŸ™‚ I started GingerScraps store, forum etc… in September 2008.
Who are your favorite three designers?
Flergs, EllieLash, Faith True, Jacque Larsen.. thats 4.. I could go on and on!!
What are your favorite parts of a kit to design?
I can’t pick- paper, alphas.. elements…. πŸ™‚
What’s your favorite kit that you’ve designed?
Kayla’s Quilt and I really love Man Oh Man (you can click on the kit previews to be taken to the Gingerscraps store.)

What’s your least favorite?
ummm I actually pulled it from my store.. i am going to do a make over on it because it has some beautiful stuff.. but it is just too big.. It is called A Mermaids Tail. I will re-release it soon
How do you get started on a kit? Palette first? Rough idea on what you want your papers or elements to look like?
I don’t have a set way, I just get inspration and go.
How long does it typically take you to make a kit?
Never the same.. I have done one in 2 days, and I have some that takeme months. I have some started that I kinda get burnt out on and then I take a break from it and come back to it later.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
My health!!! I have a stupied disease that I hate.. It is a blood clotting disorder called Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome. It causes me to have small strokes often. I so wish I did not have it!!!!!!
What is the one word that best describes you?
laughter πŸ™‚
Who is the most important person in your life?
God, my kids, my family
What is something that not many people know about you?
That I am a closet writer πŸ™‚ I dream of having a best seller one day
If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
Somwhere on the beach.. with perfect weather, and a staff to wait on me… where ever that is
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up?
A mom
What is your favorite food?
My moms pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravy!! She makes the BEST EVER!!!
What do you like doing with your family?
I love watching my kids do tricks for me on the trampoleane!! We like to play games, and I love dinner time sitting down at the table together and talking about our days.
Where is your favorite place to be?
Dependes on my mood. I love being outside at my parents house.. they have a great backyard!! I like being in my digi-world on the computer. And I love my bed πŸ™‚ It is sooo comfy!
What are three things that are important to you?
God, my kids, my family
Is there anything you would change about your life?
I would have a “happily ever after” marrige. But my husband (soon to be ex) did not have the same idea.
What are you afraid of?
serisouly.. dying and leaving my babies with no mommy. On a lighter note… I really hate paper cuts, oh and when I bend a finger nail back I really hate that!! Oh and I HATE opening the bisket packages that you have to pull the cardbord off and it pop, it totally freaks me out LOL
Do you collect anything?
yes.. Betty Boop , Milk Glass, Retro 1950’s stuff
Where do you see Gingerscraps being next year? In 3 years? Bigger, even better πŸ™‚ I plan for world domination hahaahahahah (evil genious laughter)
Here is one more of Ginger’s kits. She made this one with her sister Julie (Rockin CT manager!) in mind!

And because you are all such fabulous readers, we have a freebie for you! This fabulous glitter alpha is normally sold in the store, but we are giving it away for free until Friday night, so grab it while you can here.