Let’s Meet a Designer: Ramona Brown

Before we begin, I have to just say this. RAMONA BROWN IS NOT A BRUNETTE!!! If you have spent any time at the forum of Brownie Scraps, you will probably be as shocked as I am by the picture we are about to see. All of the designers and CT members at Brownie Scraps have darling little cartoonized “mini-me” avatars. Ramona (who we are about to meet) used to sport one that depicted a brunette with brown eyes. So whenever I pictured Ramona, that is what I pictured in my mind. And here is the picture I received from her:

Isn’t she lovely? And not a brunette!

I know that normally we save the Gingerscraps layout for the end of the feature… icing on the cookie if you will, but this one is so pretty that I am showing it to you right away. Isn’t her daughter gorgeous?

That was of course made with the Gingerscraps kit, Chocolate Kisses. Which is of course, available in the Gingerscraps store. 🙂 Okay, I have rambled enough. Let’s get to the interesting stuff, shall we?

What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? My name is Ramona and my blog address is : https://designsbyramona.blogspot.com
Where do you sell? I sell at and own Brownie Scraps at browniescraps.com
Tell us a little about your family. I have 5 beautiful children who keep me very busy and happy! Our 6th baby will be here sometime in the next 30 days! That will make a total of 4 boys and 2 girls. My oldest is almost 12. We live in Northern Utah and love it here! My 4th child, Sam, has a rare chromosomal defect called xxyy syndrome, but he is the sweetest, most loving little boy. He’s 4 1/2, has very little speech, but gives the very best hugs!
What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping and designing? I love to garden and to write novels. I hope someday to be a published author!
When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? I started working with digital images in the summer of 2006. I used PSP back then and mostly learned through free tutorials I saw online. I also started doing my own digital scrapbook, but it was very simple.
When did you start designing and how did you learn? I began designing in February 2008 when I bought Photoshop. I took all of the courses at godigitalscrapbooking, taught by Andrea Goldman, as well as lots of experimenting and searching the Internet!
Which programs do you use to design? PS CS3
Do you draw most of your items with a mouse, or hand draw and scan? Mostly with a mouse or pencil tool.
Where does your inspiration come from? Everything! I was an avid paper scrapper before, so I’ve always loved layouts. I love a good challenge and seeing something that was scrapped with paper supplies and trying to get the same look with digital!
How did you pick your companies name? What can I say, I LOVE chocolate!
When did you decide to start Brownie Scraps? Last summer, I came up with the name and began brainstorming different challenges and things. I was selling at a few different stores, but I am a control freak and had too many ideas of my own to just wait around for others! So, in August, I took the plunge and opened my own shop!
Who are your favorite three designers? I absolutely love the other three designers I work with and love their work. I rarely buy kits from anyone but them! They are Bethany of Scrappin Daisies, Kelly of Dreamersmagic Designs and Leslie of Dragonfly Designs. They inspire me every day to do more and work harder!
What are your favorite parts of a kit to design? The digital art
What’s your favorite kit that you’ve designed? It changes with every new kit I create!
What’s your least favorite? Most of my early stuff. I still can’t believe I was ever pleased with it!
How do you get started on a kit? I love to skim through colourlovers.com for palette’s. I consider it as fun as shoe shopping!
Palette first? Usually, yes, but often I have a theme in mind and will use the search section to find ideas of colors.
How long does it typically take you to make a kit? About 8-10 hours, usually straight. Designing a kit is like reading a good book. Once I get started, I can’t stop until it’s finished and I know the end! I can’t think of anything else until I’ve completed it. So often, I will go a week or so with no designing and then cram it all in at once!
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Maybe to slow down a bit, enjoy the process and not get overly excited by a kit that I short change it!
What is the one word that best describes you? Passionate!
Who is the most important person in your life? Definitely my hubby! He is my best friend and my soul mate! We’ve been married for over 13 years and I can’t imagine my life without him.
What is something that not many people know about you? That’s tough because I’m very much an open book. But perhaps it would be that I struggle with depression (more than I’ve often admitted) and only recently have sought help for it. I’m always one to put on a smile and just fake it till I make it, but I realized that I wasn’t being true to myself in doing that. By accepting the fact that I struggle with these emotions and sometimes never want to leave my house, I have learned to overcome my fears and find a deeper sense of happiness and self-satisfaction.
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? It would definitely be Prince Edward Island or the countryside in England! I’ve always been extremely fascinated with both places!
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? When I was in the 3rd grade, I read “Little Women” for the first time. I vowed then that I would grow up to be an author, just like Jo! I haven’t fully succeeded yet, but I am still working and dreaming towards that!
What is your favorite food? Anything Mexican!
What do you like doing with your family? I love to play games! I especially love the more obscure ones like “Settlers of Catan” and “India Rails”.
Where is your favorite place to be? Disneyland with my family!
What are three things that are important to you? My family, My Faith and my dreams.
Is there anything you would change about your life? Nope, every mistake has been a learning experience and every trial has helped me to grow. I don’t believe in living with regret.
What are you afraid of? Not showing my kids enough how much I love and cherish them.
Do you collect anything? Books.

And here are three of Ramona’s adorable kits:

Girly Girl

Lucky Me

Mud Puddles


  1. Ramona,

    Your kits are so cute! Thank you for letting us learn more about you!

  2. Chris & Lynette says

    What a beautiful person…inside and out! Now, I may be a bit biased (I am her sister for Heaven’s Sake) But, definetly one of the very most talented people I know. Love, Love, Love you Ramona!

  3. Chris & Lynette says

    What a beautiful person…inside and out! Now, I may be a bit biased (I am her sister for Heaven’s Sake) But, definetly one of the very most talented people I know. Love, Love, Love you Ramona!