Blast Off -Full free kit!!!!!

Welcome space ranger! You have arrived at Ground Control. If you get lost in cyberspace, come back to Ground Control, because THIS blog has the map for the whole mission!!

Keep on flying around to all the planets and you will collect this AMAZING collab!! And a bunch more goodies!!
AND look at this wonderful Hybrid project the my awesome sister Julie made for me to give you all 🙂 She is the best!!! Oh any she as more too- don’t forget to stop at her planet!!

Click on the preview to download
EDIT: the link has been removed
While you are waiting for your download to finish, why not open another window and go check out the Gingerscraps forum? There are games, challenges, and other digi-scrapping goodness going on all weekend long! AND Bingo with a chance to win $20.00 shopping spree to GingerScraps!!

These download links will expire on Tuesday, April 7th… so make sure you get them while you can. After that, you can buy the whole kit in the Gingerscraps store.

Are you READY to BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!
Your next stop?
Planet Graham Like the Cracker -Jen’s blog!!

And Here is the map in case you get lost along the way 🙂

Jen Planet Graham Like the Cracker
Barbara Planet A Scrap to Remember
Charmaine Planet Wyld Web Designs
Belinda Planet CT Dylabel
Erin Planet Miss Erin
Christie Planet CT Christie
Jodi Planet Statements by Jodi
Sharon Planet CT Sharon
Misty Planet Misty
Julie Planet Word Art Goddess
Steph PlanetScrappyCocoa

Mary Planet Plum Dumpling
Laura Planet CT Laura
Planet CT Manda
Lindsay Planet Spinky Dink

We have tons of fun all planned this weekend!! Keep coming back to find out more !! 🙂 Happy Scrapping, Ginger


  1. agravette says

    Thank you all so very very much for this wonderful kit! It is beautiful and I truly do appreciate it!

  2. Very nice bookmarks!!! I like the door hanger too. I was really happy to finally find the beginning of the train. This kit is adorable and I hope I am able to snag all of the goodies. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oooh thanks so much for the blog train and for the party this weekend! I’ll be in and out all weekend. I can’t wait to put all these bits together!!

  4. Favors With Love says

    OMG! Thank you very much. I am so loving this kit! It is hard to find cute kits for boys. Again thank you for sharing this!

  5. I have three little boys so this kit is PERFECT for me!! Thanks so much for all your hard work on it. 🙂 I love the bookmarks but I’m not able to download them because says that you are out of bandwidth. 🙁 I’ll definitely be checking back to see if they’ll be available for downloading again soon! Thanks again!!

  6. Digi Free says

    Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] – 04 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

  7. What a super terrific train!! Thanks so much for putting together such a wonderful kit fit for boys! My boys will only forgive me for so many flowers and hearts.

  8. SassyCricut says

    hey all..
    Thanks so much for the awesome gift.. Have SUPER FUN this weekend..
    I’m hoping to be able to drop by..
    Tami G

  9. i too just LOVE this kit. Thanks to all who have worked hard to create it. I have found a few of the links not working though – due to bandwdth problems. I am looking forward to these being up again soon. – esp the bookmarks!

    Thanks – Lisa

  10. Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 says

    TY so very much!!!!!!!!

  11. Thanks for the printables!! My son has a space themed bedroom so the door hanger is PERFECT!!

  12. I will have new links in a few!! Sorry about the bandwith problems!!

  13. CreativeBusyHands-Scrapbook Freebies Search says

    Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Bookmark(s) post on Apr. 04, 2009. Thanks again.

  14. CreativeBusyHands-Scrapbook Freebies Search says

    Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Bookmark(s) post on Apr. 04, 2009. Thanks again.

  15. Thanks for the new links – and letting me know. I do appreciate it 🙂 Lisa

  16. These are awesome. Thank you.