Layout of the week!!!

WOW- we did sure have a ton of BEAUTIFUL layouts at GingerScraps this week!!

Keep ’em coming ladies!!

SO this weeks LOTW is……

Romantic Moment by Lori (lasnow)

Congrats Lori!! Check your PM at the GingerScraps forum for your $5.00 off coupon 🙂

And Keep thoese LO’s coming 🙂 You could be the next GS LOTW winner!!

WAIT- One more thing.. If you ave not signed up for Scrapping BootCamp you still have time!!!We are really excited about this.

Are you an experienced scrapper who has lost your mojo?
Do you want to go to the next level with your layouts?
Do you wonder why your layouts just don’t look “done”?
or are you a brand new scrapper who wants to learn “everything!”?

Join the Gingerscraps team for an intense 6 week basic training course that will help you grow as a scrapper!

We will have weekly tutorials, prizes, CC, and lots of fun! Click on the flyer to sign up in our forum! You have to sign up by Saturday May 2nd, and our first week’s training starts on Sunday, May 3rd. If you do not sign up, you will not have access to the private boot camp forum,


  1. Congrats Lori!!!

  2. Congrats Lori!!!