Archives for April 2009

more PARTY info!!

I hope you are all having fun collecting Blast Off!! It is a SUPER cute kit!!!
Did you go sign up for Bingo?? Hurry there is still time!! You have to get your words to me by Saturday April 4th at 9:00 am PST- You can win a $20.00 shopping spree in the GingerScraps Store!! Click HERE to get signed up:)

And the lovely Mary is hosting a Scavenger Hunt!! Check out the prize- an 8 page brag book!!!
Click here to begin your hunt!
We have lots of Speed Scraps this weekend!! ALL with fab participation prizes!!
Don’t forget to head over to Truth or Dare after the nightly Saturday and Sunday Speed Scraps!!
It is soooo funny!!!

Speed Scrap TODAY!!!

Here’s a little Speed Scrap FYI for this weekend at GingerScraps
Friday, April 3
Jen: 4 pm Eastern, 3 pm Central, 2 pm Mountain, 1 pm Pacific
Barb: 10 pm Eastern, 9 pm Central, 8 pm Mountain, 7 pm Pacific

Saturday, April 4
Erin: 11 am Eastern, 10 am Central, 9 am Mountain, 8 am Pacific
Steph: 5 pm Eastern, 4 pm Central, 3 pm Mountain, 2 pm Pacific
Misty: 9 pm Eastern, 8 pm Central, 7 pm Mountain, 6 pm Pacific

Sunday, April 5
Christie: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific

Jen’s participation prize is going to be another coordinating plaid paper and a RED ROCKET to go with our freebie blog train Blast Off!

The other people hosting speed scraps have great PPs too! Check one out!

Blast Off -Full free kit!!!!!

Welcome space ranger! You have arrived at Ground Control. If you get lost in cyberspace, come back to Ground Control, because THIS blog has the map for the whole mission!!

Keep on flying around to all the planets and you will collect this AMAZING collab!! And a bunch more goodies!!
AND look at this wonderful Hybrid project the my awesome sister Julie made for me to give you all πŸ™‚ She is the best!!! Oh any she as more too- don’t forget to stop at her planet!!

Click on the preview to download
EDIT: the link has been removed
While you are waiting for your download to finish, why not open another window and go check out the Gingerscraps forum? There are games, challenges, and other digi-scrapping goodness going on all weekend long! AND Bingo with a chance to win $20.00 shopping spree to GingerScraps!!

These download links will expire on Tuesday, April 7th… so make sure you get them while you can. After that, you can buy the whole kit in the Gingerscraps store.

Are you READY to BLAST OFF!!!!!!!!
Your next stop?
Planet Graham Like the Cracker -Jen’s blog!!

And Here is the map in case you get lost along the way πŸ™‚

Jen Planet Graham Like the Cracker
Barbara Planet A Scrap to Remember
Charmaine Planet Wyld Web Designs
Belinda Planet CT Dylabel
Erin Planet Miss Erin
Christie Planet CT Christie
Jodi Planet Statements by Jodi
Sharon Planet CT Sharon
Misty Planet Misty
Julie Planet Word Art Goddess
Steph PlanetScrappyCocoa

Mary Planet Plum Dumpling
Laura Planet CT Laura
Planet CT Manda
Lindsay Planet Spinky Dink

We have tons of fun all planned this weekend!! Keep coming back to find out more !! πŸ™‚ Happy Scrapping, Ginger

Let’s Meet a Designer: Amanda Heimann

Okay, have you ever found a designer and instantly fallen in smit? I am deeply smitten with Amanda Heimann’s Designs. To the point where I think I scared her with my fan girl excitement. She overcame my overt enthusiasm and interviewed with me anyway. Amanda, thank you for ignoring my fan girl excitement. πŸ™‚

What’s your name and digiscrap blog address? Amanda Heimann (design/team blog: (personal blog: (Pssst! If you go to Amanda’s blog right now, she has an AWESOME freebie up to celebrate her designiversary)
Where do you sell? Scrap Orchard

*Tell us a little about your family. I have been married to my husband Billy for ten years. We have two amazing boys- Garrett (6) and Lance (4). We also have a dog and a new puppy.
*What other hobbies do you have besides scrapping and designing? There are others? I love to bake and have a cross stitch project I have been working on for 10 years. LOL!
*When did you start Digi-scrapping and who taught you? I started digi scrapping at the end of 2005. I learned by tutorials and by asking for constructive critism.
*When did you start designing and how did you learn? I started designing 2 years ago. I am celebrating my designiversary this month! I also learned to design by tutorials.
*Which programs do you use to design? PSCS3 and PSE5. I am slowly learning Illustrator.
*Do you draw most of your items with a mouse, or hand draw and scan? All of the above. I also use my camera frequently.
*Where does your inspiration come from? Gymboree. πŸ˜‰ I browse my favorite stores, have tons of home decor catalogs and save ads and brochures that I receive. *

*How did you pick your companies name? HAHAHAHAHA! I added Designs to my name.
*Who are your favorite three designers? Oh that is a loaded question! How about I tell you who has the most real estate in my EHD? Dani Mogstad, Shabby Princess and Christy Lyle.
*What are your favorite parts of a kit to design? Papers! I love making papers and ribbons come a close second. (As a user of her kits, I can tell you, her papers and ribbons are AWESOME!)
*What’s your favorite kit that you’ve designed? Each new kit becomes my favorite. Pinky Swear has a special place in my heart.
*What’s your least favorite? Anything made before July 2007.
*How do you get started on a kit? Palette first? Rough idea on what you want your papers or elements to look like? Usually the colors and the idea or theme happen at the same time.
*How long does it typically take you to make a kit? Anywhere from 2 days to over a week. Depends on what is going on in my real life.
*What is the weirdest thing you have ever made a texture out of? Nothing too weird over here. My furniture.
*If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My weight.
*What is the one word that best describes you? busy
*Who is the most important person in your life? God.
*What is something that not many people know about you? I have worn glasses for 27 years and contacts for over 20 years. (and I am only 33)
*If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Anyplace tropical.
*When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? A mommy. *

*What is your favorite food? Mustard. Seriously.
*What do you like doing with your family? We love to go to the beach. We also love to just hang out with each other and play in the backyard.
*Where is your favorite place to be? Matagorda beach.
*What are three things that are important to you? God, family, laughter
*Is there anything you would change about your life? No, I love my life. There are things I would change about myself but I love my life how it is.
*What are you afraid of? My children hurting.
*Do you collect anything? laundry? I am starting a collection of camera lens. I also have a collection of nativities that I add to every year.

Okay, for even more fun, here are Amanda’s kits. Normally we show you three. Today we are going to see all of the kits that I have in my external hard drive. πŸ™‚ {Insert fan girl sigh here.} (Sometime soon I hope return to my facade of professional… I am not making promises though)

This kit was the first glimpse I had into Amanda’s designs. I was instantly smitten.

Are you a fan of Disney? Here is the kit for ALL of your scrapping needs…
This was a free-bee Amanda gave away to celebrate selling at Scrap Orchard.

Soon we will have a layout from Amanda using our blog train kit… the blog train that starts tomorrow…. I am excited. Very anxiously excited to see what she did with it. πŸ˜‰

A Sneak peek into the Big Launch!

Hi all, it’s Jen. Ginger is busy so I am sneaking onto the blog to show all of you what we have for you on Friday. Ssshhhh! Don’t tell her I told you.

We are counting down to Friday’s big launch. The new Gingerscraps Design and all of their CT’s have an out of this world freebie for you starting on Friday…. Keep your blog reader’s tuned here!

And tomorrow’s designer of the week is OUT OF THIS WORLD as well, so hurry back to read about A.H. … have a I said too much?


new kitErin is 25 and has two wonderful kids, Maddox and Samara. Erin has also been engaged to fiance, TJ for 3 years, although they have been a couple for about 6 years. Erin started digital scrapping in 2007. She started by learning cool photo edits and creating “photo collages” and by late 2007 she realized what she was doing was called digital scrapbooking and she was hooked! By the middle of 2008 Erin was getting curious about how kits were made and that lead to her first attempts at designing. By September, Erin posted her first freebie kit on her blog. She said it was awful, so she deleted it once she moved on to bigger and better kits. Erin is blown away whenever someone likes her work. She is quite modest! Here’s a preview of her beautiful “Rejoice” kit.

new kit

new kit Jen is named after Guinevere from that 70s version of Camelot so that her mom could call her Jenny; but Jen has NEVER been Jenny. Jen lives in Southern California with her husband and her little boy, Alton. She used to love to read, but now all of her free time is spent scrapping and designing. She still bakes and makes the best brownies around. Her husband jokes that he married her for her chocolate chip cookies and stays for the brownies. She started digi-scrapping in August of 2008, and started designing so she could give better freebies on her blog. She is a sucker for stars and you will be hard pressed to find a kit of hers without one somewhere.
Here’s a preview of her lovely “A Star Danced” kit.

new kit


new kit Jodi is a loving wife to her husband John and a stay at home mom to an adorable 2 year old girl named Rebekah. Jodi loves to scrap, design, and dabble in photography as well. I She always saw card making programs and even bought a few but they didn’t satisfy her creativity, then she discovered the digi scrapping world! She started designing last year and loves every minute of it! Ginger has been such a good mentor to her and she has learned so much since starting out. Her favorite kit is her “Giving Thanks” kit. She loves the colors and that everything is felt! The “Giving Thanks” alpha is her favorite alpha creation so far. She slaved over it for weeks until it was perfect, so it’s like her “little baby”. Here’s a preview of her very festive “Giving Thanks” kit. new kit


new kitCharmaine is wife to stay-at-home-dad and web designer, Stephen, and mom to two amazing kids, Casey-22 months, and Lilah-3 years old. She works full time as a pharmacist and digital scrapbooks every chance she gets as her relaxation time! She started digital scrapping about a year and half ago when she finally realized that she would never be able to paper scrap again when she had children under the age of 12 in her house! She started applying for creative teams and once she got on a few of her favorite designer’s teams, she saw the potential for designing. Jen (another new designer) had her sign up for a design challenge with her, and well, here she is!
Here’s a preview of her “toadily cute” kit called “Spring into Froggy Love”:
new kit

new kitLindsay is a 30 something SAHM to an adorable 16 month old girl, named Bailey. Her husband, Brandon, and her have been together for 10 years,married for 5 and call Oklahoma their home sweet home. Though she enjoy’s all things creative, photoshop is her creative outlet of choice. She has been playing in photoshop for about 4 years, everything from blinkies to parenting board siggies and scrapping/designing. She has been designing scrap kits since about May of 2008 and started selling in November 2008.

Here’s a preview of her adorable kit called “Keston Vol. 2”:
new kit
new kitMisty is a SAHM to two sweet boys; 2 year old Ian and 7 month old Aidan. She has been married to her husband, Dan for 3 years and they have known each other for over 10. Misty and her family live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Washington State. She began digi scrapping in 2007 and have recently jumped into designing. She is also a creative team member for Gingerscraps, Scrappy Cocoa, Polka Dot Plum, and Sunshine Studio Scraps. Here is a preview of her elegant kit called “In the Spotlight”. This kit is on sale at Gingerscraps for $2.50 through the weekend.

new kit

new kitSteph is a 24 year old SAHM. She has been married to her husband, Tim, for a little over 4 years. They have an almost 2 year old son, Brock. Steph and her family are currently living in Seattle while Tim finishes Med school, but they can’t wait to get back to Idaho. She has been designing for about 6 months and is excited to join the GingerScraps team. Besides digital scrapping, she loves to cook for her family and exercise. She is an avid runner. Something not many people know about her is, that although she runs almost daily, she loves to be lazy. If she could stay on the couch, with her laptop, in her jammies all day, she totally would! Nothing is more comfy, for her, than a pair of yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt!
Here’s a preview of her rockin’ “Garage Band King” kit.

new kit