A Survivor Sneak Peek!

So you heard of this scrapping survivor thing… you keep meaning to sign up

“July 15th? That ages away… I don’t need to sign up for it yet.”

Did you know that is in fact less than a week away?

Did you know that when you sign up, we will be giving you an awesome kit for free when Gingergscraps Scrapping Survivor starts?

Now I can’ show it to you yet, but I can show you a peek.

Have you checked out the Official Scrapping Survivor Blog? You should follow it. A lot of exciting information is posted there. Like who of sponsors are…. The prizes are going to be awesome… You will want to win these prizes…. so first, go an sign up for Gingerscraps Scrapping Survivor in the Gingerscraps forum. Then go check out the Gingerscraps Scrapping Survivor Blog.