Miss Erin…. goin’ out in style!!

Happy New Year to you all!

I am very excited for 2010~ we have 6 new designers at GingerScraps!! The GingerBread Lady contest is finished and the new ladies will be make their debut very soon 🙂

On another note…..

The WONDERFUL and so talented Miss Erin is retiring 🙁 I am soooo very sad to see her go!! Her designs inspire so many people. She is taking on a new adventure ~ it will be a amazing resource to all designers and scrappers!! Be on the look out for info about it.

As in true Miss Erin fashion….

She is goin out with style!!! She has an unbeatable 50% off ALL her products!! AND a HUGE and super, super, super cute kit that is yours with any $1.00 purchase of her goodies!!! Hurry and go snag her goodies while you can! They will only last for a short time.. and then they will be gone forever.

Miss Erin add

Visit Miss Erin’s Scraps shop at https://store.gingerscraps.net/Miss-Erins-Scraps/

Full size previews of P365: In a Moment’s Time can be viewed HERE