April Daily Download #29

Oh boy!!!!  I got caught up in the hoop-la that was the Royal Wedding this morning – and totally forgot to come and post this for y’all.  Hopefully you were watching too – and not coming to collect your daily download!  lol  Anyhow – here’s today’s piece:

Hope you have a great Friday!!!!


  1. thanks for this day!

  2. Beautiful!! Thanks so much for sharing! Yes, I along with the millions of other people sat down to watch too .. loved her dress, and wish them all the best! Thanks for remembering us!!! xxx

  3. Where I’m living it was at 4:00 am. A bit too early for me! lol
    Caught a glimpse of it on the news.
    Thanks for today’s part ♥♥♥

  4. Thank you!

  5. Thank you! Yes we watched the wedding – over 5 hours live coverage here in the UK LOL!! Had a sweet street party too.

  6. Oh man! I watched the wedding coverage and totally forgot about so many other things to do. lol.

    Thanks for the download. 🙂

  7. Thank you!

  8. between work, watching the royal wedding and my Lightroom organization, I only got to get online past midnight. Thank you for today’s part, goodnightie! 🙂

  9. crinkletoast says

    thanks very much.

  10. MonkeyToesToo says

    Had to take hubby to work when the wedding started so I taped it and when the little one passes out I can watch just the important stuff. Love a good wedding! Thanks for #29.

  11. Thanks so much for sharing.LOVE your kit!!:)
    I recorded it on TIVO and just finished watching it.It was really a GORGEOUS wedding and a happy one too!:)

  12. thank you

  13. along with millions of people, I watched the beautiful wedding too! Lucky me, it’s 4pm here, so i don’t have to be a night owl watching it 😛
    Thank you for today’s download and have a great weekend!

  14. Thanks again! What a sweet kit!

  15. Thank you! Watched the wedding live on TV here in the UK. Absolutely beautiful and perfect.

  16. scrappingramma says

    thanks for the DL
    I set my alarm and watched the whole thing…beautiful
    I watched Princess Di get married so it was a must to see this one.