Hi there! Happy Wednesday! 🙂
Have you been to the forum lately? There’s a call going on for one of our newest Exclusive Designers – Sugar Pie Scraps. She’s looking for a few new layout artists, freebie makers, and bloggers. Check it out HERE and get those apps in!
And now onto day #7:
*Link has Expired*

Day #7
Enjoy! Have a great day!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for dl 5, 6 & 7!! I think aliens abducted a couple of days out of my life … I thought I was only missing one dl .. doh !! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing.:) LOVIN IT!
thank you so much for sharing your talent
Thank you!
thank you
Thankas a lot!
merci pour le cadeau 🙂
I started unzipping the files last night and this set is sooooo adorably cute! Thanks so much for this part! : )
Thanks for another great download.