Daily Download: July 01

Hi! Can you believe that date? July 01! JULY FIRST! Um, where did June go? I swear, one day, time will slow down so that we can appreciate it!

Well, I know you’re here for a very good reason. I do believe you’re expecting the new daily download for July. Am I right? Well, of course!

June’s Daily Download was created by Colie’s Corner, and it seriously looks absolutely adorable!


This month’s daily download was created by Pretty in Green. Trust me, you’re going to LOVE it!

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. I always love the beginning of a new month especially here at Gingerscraps!! A new Daily Download, revealing the old one. A new buffet and bake sale. And new challenges! Thank you!!

  2. crystalnva says

    It is sad how fast June went by and now July wow…June`s DD peeks are looking pretty awesome liking the color combo.THANK YOU ;~} for todays dd.

  3. Gorgeous colors!

  4. wowser! Yes, i’m gonna love it! The preview is lovely! Thank you for providing a full kit each month. Each of them have been truly excellent in quality and huge in size. The generosity is greatly appreciated! 

  5. this is was so lovely!  thank you so much Colie!

  6. I love it when there is such a dramatic change in colour – you’re still feeling sad that the old one has gone and then along comes this new one and catches your eye! Looking fab so far! Thank you.

  7. Wow, this month’s dd looks amazing .. loving the colour combo!! Thanks for today’s piece 🙂

  8. Thank you very much!

  9. Beautiful! Loved last month’s daily download! Can’t wait to see all of this months! : )

  10. Kim Goodman says

    Thank you!

  11. Woohoo, loving the colors in this DAD! Thank you so much!

  12. Thank you for the daily download.  The colors are so gorgeous!  I

  13. I’m looking forward to each day of this DD! It looks amazing! Thank you very much.