Daily Download: Oct 01

Hello, and welcome to October! It’s a spooktactular month, full of tricks, but there are no tricks here for you!

Terrible jokes aside, I’m so excited to show you this month’s daily download. Before I do, if you missed any piece of September’s kit, created by the wonderful Chere Kaye Designs, it’s available in the store now!


Now it’s time to preview October’s Daily Download. It was created by Wendy Tunison Designs, and it looks amazing!!


  1. This looks exciting – love the first piece – wonderful Graffiti! Many thanks!

  2. WOW..looking good,can’t wait to see the whole kit x

  3. Oh! Wendy!!! Love the title, and i always enjoy using your designs! Thank you, dear! The colors are wonderful, and the theme….ooooooh can’t wait to watch this kit unfold day by day! 

  4. Thank you 🙂

  5. Thanks! : )

  6. Thanks so much – this looks like it will be fun! 🙂

  7. woohoo very excited!! thank you

  8. Thank you so much!

  9. Thank you!

  10. I love it already!  Thank you!

  11. Thank you so much! It looks great!

  12. Looks fun THANK YOU ;~}

  13. Thank You 🙂

  14. Kiki/mcgaelicgal says

    OOOooo!  Can’t wait to see the whole thing!  The peeks are quite tantalizing!  😉  Thanks so much!

  15. This looks amazing. Thank you so much!