DD: Nov 01

Good morning! How are you? Did you enjoy your Halloween?

Oh, fine! I know what you want! Time to reveal this month’s Daily Download!

Before I do, though, I have to share last month’s!


I love how it was ALL girl-power and taking pride in yourself! I love that!

This month’s DD is just as wonderful!

This download is no longer available

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. Beautiful colors, thank you so much!

  2. Thank you so much to Pixelily and Luv Ewe Designs for such a BEAUTIFUL daily download. With two daughter, the colors are perfect to scrap so many of things they love and do. The papers, elements, alpha…everything…such great work! Thank you for your generosity!

    And the new download looks just as amazing! Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for the October DAD! It’s a splendid kit and i’ll enjoy using it.

    Thank YOU for November’s loveliness! Autumn is my favorite season to photograph, and this kit has all the wonderful autumn colors that will complement my photos! i appreciate the DADs very much! 

  4. you all really make it so those of us on a crazy tight budget can participate…thanks so much for your generosity ♥

  5. Thanks so much for the Oct DAD, I love it!

  6. Kiki/mcgaelicgal says

    Oooo, the November DD looks SO pretty!  Can’t wait to see the whole thing!  Thank you!  🙂

  7. Thanks so much!