March 2025 Challenges Temporary Home!

Hi GingerScraps Family!

Thank you so much for your patience during our transition to a new and improved forum and gallery! I got a sneak peek today, and I just know you’re going to LOVE it!

The most common request I’ve received has been about the challenges. I initially considered posting them on Facebook, but since many of our community members don’t use Facebook, I’ve decided to post them here on the GS Blog instead!

This might make scrolling for Daily Downloads, Tutorials, or other blog content a little trickier, but don’t worry—you can use the “tagged with” feature at the bottom of posts to quickly find what you’re looking for. Whether you want to see all the Daily Download posts or just the March 2025 Challenges, the tags will help keep everything organized!

How It Works:

  • This post will serve as the Master List of all the March 2025 Challenges.
  • As each challenge is posted, I’ll update this post with a direct blog link to that challenge. I might not post ALL of the challenges but I will give you plenty to inspire you while we wait for the forum.
  • BOOKMARK THIS POST or save the link so you can easily check back for updates!

Once the forum and gallery are back up, you’ll be able to upload your pages and post your links in the March Cookie Jar thread as usual.

We’re also still chatting and sharing in the GingerScraps Facebook group, so come join the fun! 💛

Thank you all for being such an amazing community—I appreciate your support and patience more than you know!

Happy Scrapping!
💖 Ginger

2025 Challenge List: Most challenges are linked to their dedicated blog posts.

#2025 {2025} Host: Connie Prince

All About Me {2025} Host: Adrienne Skelton Designs

Bucket List {2025} Host: Scraps N Pieces

Buffet Challenge {2025} Host: Kristmess

Color Challenge {2025} Host: Aimee Harrison

Created With Rewards {2025} Host: GingerScraps

Daily Download Challenge {2025} Host: CarolW Designs

Designer Spotlight Challenge {2025} Host: Changes Monthly

Documenting Your Life {2025} Host: ADB Designs

Everyday Memories {2025} Host: Miss Fish

Font Challenge {2025} Host: Scrappin’ Serenity

In A Word {2025} Host: Buzzbee Scraps

Inspiration Challenge {2025} Host: CarolW Designs

Journaling Challenge {2025} Host: The Scrappy Kat

Jumpstart Your Layouts {2025} Host: Jumpstart Designs

Layout Bingo Challenge {2025} Host: Tami Miller

Memory Mix Up Challenge {2025} Host: Twin Mom Scraps

Mini Kit Challenge {2025} Host: Memory Mosaic

My Memories {2025} Host: Neia Scraps

Perfectly Paired {2025} Host: JB Studios

Photography Challenge {2025} Host: GingerScraps

Pinterest Challenge {2025} Host: Lisa Minor

Project 365-52 Challenge {2025} Host: Missi : This is a general “day in your life” challenge.

Quote Challenge {2025} Host: CathyK

Recipe Card Challenge {2025} Host: Let Me Scrapbook

Recipe Challenge {2025} Host: Angelle Designs

Scrap-Lift Challenge {2025} Host: Alexis Design Studio

Signature Challenge {2025} Host: HeatherZ Scraps

Surprise Challenge {2025} Host: Magical Scraps Galore

Template Challenge #1 {2025} Host: Robyn Scrapbookcrazy

Template Challenge #2 {2025} Host: Tinci Designs

Template Challenge #3 {2025} Host: J. Conlon and Sons

That’s Entertainment {2025} Host: Boomersgirl Designs

Tips & Tricks Challenge {2025} Host: Karen Schulz

Use it All {2025} Host: ScrapChat Designs

Wild About Styles {2025} Host: Wetfish Designs

Word-Art Challenge {2025} Host: Cindy Ritter

2025 *Challenge Reward System Info*

2025 Monthly Challenge REWARDS:

  • Complete any 10 challenges for the month, and receive a $7.00 Coupon towards any Challenge Reward Collab.
  • We will feature a new Challenge Reward collab each month and you can earn that here first (before it is released in the shop) OR you can use your coupon towards any of the previous Challenge Reward Collab in the shop!
  • Simply visit the Challenge Reward Collabs section of the shop, pick one collab you want and use your reward coupon to collect your reward.

2025 Monthly Challenge Rules:

  • Challenges run from the 1st day of the month to the last day of the month.
  • All challenge layouts must consist of at least 80% GS products from current GS designers.
  • Templates count at 20% of your total.
  • If a designer departs from the shop in the middle of the month, participants are allowed to use their products for challenges that month. However, it is essential to choose products from a current GS designer in the following month.
  • Daily Download and Welcome Wagon products are permitted (refer to individual challenge rules for specific guidelines on usage, such as the Designer Spotlight Challenge).
  • Speed Scraps and Chats DO NOT contribute to your challenge rewards. Nevertheless, your host will typically offer enjoyable goodies for all attendees of their Speed Scrap or Chat events.
  • Each challenge must feature a unique layout. In other words, you cannot use the same layout for more than one challenge.
  • Participants are responsible for tracking their completed challenges. Locate the monthly tracking thread in the “Cookie Jar” and adhere to the provided guidelines.
  • Be sure to read the instructions from each host, as you may also receive some participation prizes along the way.
  • Rewards will be distributed after the 5th of the month. Layouts posted after the last day of the challenge month will not be considered for any rewards.


  • You CAN accumulate points for the challenge collab.
  • You will receive the Reward for the month in which you COMPLETE your 10 challenges.
  • Challenge points OVER 10 WILL NOT be carried over to the next month.

For Example:

  • You do 5 in March, 2 in April and 6 in May – you would get the May collab.
  • You do 7 in March and 4 in April – you get the April collab
  • You do 10 each month you get EACH Collab!! (BEST DEAL!!)


  1. Not sure how to post a Layout in the blog. Can you give details?

  2. Looking forward to doing march challenges! Just a question, do we just wait until forum and gallery is back up to post our layouts? Thanks!

  3. Yes, we will have you upload to the gallery once it is back up 🙂 
    You are also welcome to share them in our Facebook group if you want to just for fun!

  4. THANK YOU FOR THIS! i was going into serious withdrawal thinking i can’t do the challenges!

  5. You’re welcome!! <3

  6. Thank you for the reply!!

  7. Laura Shaw aka mom2triplets0r says

    Since there are 2 designer spotlights can we do 2 layouts for that challenge counting as 2 layouts?

  8. Yes that is totally ok 🙂

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