Fowers, Flowers, Flowers on Let’s Get Crafty Thursday!

It’s Thursday! Yea! Time to get crafty! Well, is wish I had time. I have been busy, busy this week. No time to get crafty yet! But, I will, Oh yes, I will. But, do not fear! We have other crafty ladies in our midst. One of our very own GingerScraps Designers has been making flowers, flowers and more flowers! Stephanie! I’m taking about you! You GingerScraps fans know her as the talented designer Scrappy Cocoa! But..not only is she a fab digi designer! She is a crafty goddess too! Look at all these cute little flowers…cute models too 🙂

Oh and her handsome little son even took his tired little sisters place as a model.

They look great in Mom’s hair too!

Steph even made this cool Flower Necklace.

Even cooler..she shows you all the steps you need to know to make your own on her blog! It’s really fun and pretty darn easy too! Pop over to her blog and make some of your own! You can check out all of her fabulous digi designs while you are there too 🙂

Happy Crafting!

Let’s Get Crafty: Paper Flowers

Time to get Crafty! OK, so i must admit. I forgot it was Thursday again! Ha Ha. I have been soooo busy with my Team Mom duties, I haven’t had to to even think about crafting.

But, Ginger showed me these cool Paper flowers, and since it is my Birthday today 🙂 I am taking the easy way out and sharing these flowers with you!

Aren’t they pretty!

The instructions are HERE They look super simple to make!

Now, the really cool thing for us digi scrappers, use digital scrapbooking paper and make them any color you want!

There is even a video! Now that is what I call cool!

I hope you girls enjoy these as much as Ginger and I did! Have a great day!

Happy Crafting!

Let’s Get Crafty: Duct Tape

It’s Thursday! Time to get crafty! Let’s talk about Duct Tape. I love Duct Tape. My boys think you can fix anything with the stuff! But…it’s not only for sticking things together. You can make fun stuff with it. It comes in tons of colors now!  My son Chris makes wallets to give his friends. You can make purses, flowers, bows, even cloths! Check out these Prom Outfits!

Pretty crazy huh! Can you imagine!

Now me, I like to make bows and flowers. The bows are super simple and take no time at all. They look so cute in the hair!

I found a UTube Video on how to make them and now I can whip them right up!

My very favorite Duct Tape project is the flowers! I love making them. They are so cute and people freak when I tell them it’s Duct Tape!

These ones have pin backs on them. They look so cute pinned on my Jean jacket, or top, or even pinned on my tote bag.

This one is on a Bobby Pin, right in my nieces hair.

I love these! You want to learn how to make some! I pretty much followed THIS Tutorial I came across one day. I do it pretty much the same way, but used thread since I didn’t have fishing line, and I sew my buttons on with embroidery floss. I have a thing about empty button holes. LOL! I can stand to see them glues on with no thread going through the holes. Anal..I know. I also added some leaves to mine.

But, aren’t these just the cutest things!

You know you want to make some! Got for it! You will love them. Oh and BTW, you can get all these Duct Tape colors at Target, or any craft store!

Have Fun!

Let’s Get Crafty!