Fowers, Flowers, Flowers on Let’s Get Crafty Thursday!

It’s Thursday! Yea! Time to get crafty! Well, is wish I had time. I have been busy, busy this week. No time to get crafty yet! But, I will, Oh yes, I will. But, do not fear! We have other crafty ladies in our midst. One of our very own GingerScraps Designers has been making flowers, flowers and more flowers! Stephanie! I’m taking about you! You GingerScraps fans know her as the talented designer Scrappy Cocoa! But..not only is she a fab digi designer! She is a crafty goddess too! Look at all these cute little flowers…cute models too 🙂

Oh and her handsome little son even took his tired little sisters place as a model.

They look great in Mom’s hair too!

Steph even made this cool Flower Necklace.

Even cooler..she shows you all the steps you need to know to make your own on her blog! It’s really fun and pretty darn easy too! Pop over to her blog and make some of your own! You can check out all of her fabulous digi designs while you are there too 🙂

Happy Crafting!

Jewelry Holder on Let’s Get Crafty!

Hi my little crafty friends. Today we are making some thing very pretty but very practical at the same time. I don’t know about you all, but my necklaces were a hot mess! I had them hanging on this really cute wire holder that sits on top of  my dresser. My boys are always messing with it and they are always getting knocked over. LOL. They were just all twisted up and getting broken. So, I went on a google search for Home made Jewelry Holders. There are a lot of options. This little tutorial will show you what I made. There are definitely a lot of different ways to make these Jewelry Holders, but this seemed like the best option for me.

First of all you will need to gather your supplies. You might even have some of this stuff laying around. If not, hit those thrift stores again! Everything I used I either had already or got it at the Thrift Store. You will need thses items.

Gather your supplies. My frame did not have a back so I had to create one out of cardboard. Then I placed the batting (I see that I forgot to put batting on the list, you need batting) on top of my cardboard and cut around it.

Like that. Glue the batting to the cardboard, or frame back if your frame has one. Then take your fabric and place the batting covered cardboard, batting side down on the fabric. Pull it tightly around to the back and glue with your glue gun. Take your trims and do the same this. Pull them around tightly and glue them to the back, Like this. Don’t glue the trin down on the front of the fabric. Only on the back.

Now if your frame had a back you can put it back on now. My frame did not have a back, so i got out the trusty old duck tape and taped on the back. It’s bright green duck tape too…haha, but no one needs to see the back right. I also put 2 cup hooks on the side for even more places to hang necklaces.

Now hang it on your wall and display all your pretties.  You can hang the necklaces from the trim, or stick pins into it and hang stuff there too. Hang them on the cup hooks too. The trim works great to clip hair clips onto also. Here is my Jewelry Hanger on my wall. See how the pretties hang right off of the trim. Cute huh.

Check out this Blog for even more Jewelry organizing ideas! There are tons! Have a great Crafty Thursday! Let’s Get Crafty people!

Let’s Get Crafty: Scrabble Tile Necklaces

Thursday!! Let’s Get Crafty!! Woot!!

Let’s make some Scrabble tile Necklaces!

I was so lucky one day and found 2 scrabble games at the Goodwill! I love me some Goodwill! I have been searching for them! I really wanted to make some Scrabble Tile Necklaces!

So, this is my first of many to come. It was so fun and easy to make.

The first thing I did was drill a hole in the top of the tile, a tiny hole with a tiny drill bit.

Then is designed my necklace front in PSE. Printed it on matte photo paper. Covered it with Mod Podge to seal it. Glued it to the back side of the tile. (Wait for the Mod Podge to dry)

Then apply your Diamond Glaze, just a nice smooth coat. I goes on so easy!

Now you just have to wait for it to dry! When it’s nice and dry take a piece of beading wire make a loop in the top and stick it in the hole. Put a little super glue in the hole to hold it. Then put a split ring on the loop and put it on your chain! Your done! You can wear it both ways!

Check out these ones.  🙂 I like cherries. Aren’t they cute!

Have a great day! Go find you some Scrabble Tiles and get crafting!