Daily Download – Aug 01

Well, hello! Welcome to August. Can you believe it? NUTS! Right?

It’s time for the new daily download!! Before I do, I thought I’d let you know that we’re changing things up with the daily download.
No, don’t worry, we’re not doing anything major, just how we’re going to show it off!!

With the preview, sometimes you don’t know if you’re going to like the kit. Well, now, we’re going to show off some layouts, at least once a week! You’ll be able to see exactly what’s coming, based on the layouts.

We hope you enjoy!!

Now, I can’t show you August’s amazing kit, I have to show off July’s, in full!!

Terra, of Sugar Kissed Designs did an amazing job on July’s kit. I’ve been craving ice cream since I saw it, and well, you might too!!


Some of the amazing layouts created using it:

Created by mamaape

Created by Terra

Created by catgoddess

See, the kit is SO much cuter than that sneak peek could ever do justice for!!

Now! What you’ve truly been waiting for!! Kathy Winters has created August’s Daily Download! Oh my goodness! It’s GORGEOUS!!

It’s so bright, sunny, and airy. Just beautiful!!

And a couple layouts her CT made with it 😀