Weekly Wrap-up

Sarah here! How’d your week go? Mine was nuts and insane. I’m part of my local girl scout troop and they adore putting me to work. In case you didn’t know, this year marks the 100-year-anniversary of Girl Scouts. Can you imagine? 100 years? So, they’re hosting a week-long event in Washington, DC. Four out of eight of the juniors in our troop are going. $4000 for them to go (including their parents), and that’s with hiring a charter bus. :O CRAZY. So, we’re hosting fundraisers and the like. I’ve been helping.

Anyways, there’s a point to that tangent. I figured, since I’ve been doing SO much with Girl Scouts (and NOW Boy Scouts because of  my son), I’d share one of my go-to products, created by our own Connie Prince.

Perfect, right? I use it SO often. Well, okay, now onto the news around Gingerscraps!!

Discussions of the Hunger Games have started!! There are separate threads for Books 2 & 3 (Girl on Fire & Mockingjay), so you won’t get spoiled if you haven’t read Books 2 & 3. Come join us!! Give us your opinion on the books, the characters, the author. All that good stuff!!

ChristinaP wants to know if anyone is watching Survivor. I’m not personally, but if you are, join in with the chat. 😀

ChristinaP also found a thread on another Facebook saying “Digi isn’t real“. Several members really didn’t like hearing (well, reading that). What’s your opinion? What do you think of Digi? Hopefully if you’re reading this, you believe it’s real, and a lot of fun!!

It’s been a pretty quiet week all around. Now, it’s WAY late for me (lost an hour to Daylight Savings Time!! Did you?), and I’m hungry, so I’m going to just say “Ciao” and see you next week!!