Archives for April 2009

Layout of the week!!!

WOW- we did sure have a ton of BEAUTIFUL layouts at GingerScraps this week!!

Keep ’em coming ladies!!

SO this weeks LOTW is……

Romantic Moment by Lori (lasnow)

Congrats Lori!! Check your PM at the GingerScraps forum for your $5.00 off coupon 🙂

And Keep thoese LO’s coming 🙂 You could be the next GS LOTW winner!!

WAIT- One more thing.. If you ave not signed up for Scrapping BootCamp you still have time!!!We are really excited about this.

Are you an experienced scrapper who has lost your mojo?
Do you want to go to the next level with your layouts?
Do you wonder why your layouts just don’t look “done”?
or are you a brand new scrapper who wants to learn “everything!”?

Join the Gingerscraps team for an intense 6 week basic training course that will help you grow as a scrapper!

We will have weekly tutorials, prizes, CC, and lots of fun! Click on the flyer to sign up in our forum! You have to sign up by Saturday May 2nd, and our first week’s training starts on Sunday, May 3rd. If you do not sign up, you will not have access to the private boot camp forum,

A Speed Scrap a Day in May Calendar!

Hey ladies! Chamaine made a freebie for you with her new kit, Glamtastic, coming soon to Gingerscraps! It includes the “Speed Scrap a Day in May” schedule so you can have it right on your computer desktop, and never lose it or spill coffee on it!

Click the image or HERE to download! See you at the speed scraps!



A Speed Scrap a Day in May!

And to help you keep track of all the Speed Scrapping goodness, Charmaine has made this handy dandy flyer. (If you click on it, you will get a larger version that you can right click and save.)

Wednesday’s Freshly Baked Items!

The Gingerbread Ladies have been busy. They have some great new kits for you and some wonderful new CU resources!

First up, Jen of Graham Like the Cracker and Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs teamed up bring you this adorable ocean kit, The Seaweed is Always Greener.

Are you looking for a different kind of ocean themed kit? We have the perfect kit for your ocean, aquarium, river, and even bath time photos. Most of the textures on the elements and papers came from real life sea elements; seaweed, shells, star fish and sand.

There are even separate mermaid tails so that you can turn your little princess into a mermaid too!

This kit is $6.00, but if you hurry, you can get it 25% off through Sunday.

Next, Misty O’Brien has a wonderful, soft new kit, Romantical:
Romantical is a word my husband and I use to describe a moment so romantic that it’s magical. It’s also a phrase we use to describe something heavenly, sweet, and just between us. This kit has all of the elements and papers needed to create that “romantical” layout or project.

This kit is $4.00, but you can get it 20% off through Sunday.

My favorite part of this kit is the papers; (they were Misty’s too) so you can by this 26 piece paper pack separately.
It’s $2.50, but you can get is 20% off through Sunday.

Finally, Lindsay of Spinky Dink Scraps has been VERY busy. She has a lot of wonderful PU and CU items for you in her store.

First, her Every Day Glitter Styles CU
Because…EVERYDAY is a good day for glitter! If you are like me, you can’t get enough glitter, which is why I have created this mega pack of glitters. Get it all right here, one price, not split up in to tiny little glitter pack, 30 photoshop styles Each style was made from a seamless pattern and looks great as big chunky glitter and small sparkley glitter. Add a little bling to your day…today!

A-Z Tag Alpha CU
This is a great hanging alpha that can be used for personal or commercial use. Download includes A-Z, plus a blank tag if you prefer to use your own font. You will also receive as a bonus, the rope, bow and loop shown in the preview that can easily be recolored to match your scheme.

Large Grungie Brushes CU
Download includes 14 photoshop brushes, 300dpi, most range between 1000- 2000 px in size.

Grungie Brushes CU
Download includes 14 photoshop brushes, 300dpi, most range between 700-800 px in size.

Distressed Bubble Wrap CU
Fun and Funky!! Add a little edge to your kits and layouts with this weathered and distressed bubble wrap. Download includes 7 original color .pngs for easier recoloring.

Handle With Care (bubble wrap styles) CU
A fresh approach to layer styles. This download comes with 8 photoshop styles, also includes pattern files. Created in 300 dpi in PS CS3.

Colored Bead Alpha
This brightly colored alpha can be recolored to match any of your kits or layouts. Each letter comes in full color and greyscale for your recoloring preferences. As a bonus, I have included a cute little rope that you can string your beads on. A-Z alpha, 300 dpi

And last but DEFIANTLY not least. The super fun an funky kit by Scrappy Cocoa!!
Boy Meets Girl:

So hurry into the store to pick up some new scrappable goodies!

Make sure you stop by this weekend… we are going to have another blog train!

and in May, a Speed Scrap a day keeps the bad mojo away… join us for a speed scrap EVERY DAY in May!

Let’s Meet a Designer: Wyld Web Design: Charmaine

What is your name and your Digi-scrap blog address? Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs,
Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m a mom to two terrific kids, Lilah and Casey, who are almost 3 and 1 years old. My husband of nearly 5 years is my best friend and my family is the most important thing in my life.
What other hobbies do you have besides designing and scrapping?
There’s other stuff? Uh, I guess reading, hiking and playing games with friends (board games, Rockband, dominoes, etc)
How did you get started designing and scrapping?
I started scrapping after I was tired of making signature tags for other people on a message board. I quickly became addicted to making pages of my gorgeous family! I had no intentions of designing until Jen of “Graham Like the Cracker” designs talked me into joining a design challenge and here I am, just a few months later!
How long have you been designing?
I forget the start date, but its only been 2 or 3 months.
Which programs do you use to design?
Primarily Photoshop, but I also use Illustrator and Art Rage for some things. Oh, and my beloved Nikon D80 🙂
Do you draw most of your items with a mouse, hand draw and scan, or do you use your camera? I draw my doodles with my Bamboo tablet and I use my camera for many other things such as ribbons, buttons, etc. I occasionally use my scanner, but I don’t like the quality as much.
Where does your inspiration usually come from?
Tough question. From all over. A lot of my kits are kind of reflections of my personality and life, so I guess I just have to say my life!
How did you pick your design name?
My husband runs a web design business from home so I just added myself to his business. The “Wyld” portion of the name is part of his favorite username on the internet.
Who are your favorite three designers?
Yikes, I have to pick?? Ok, well going strictly on who owns the most hard drive space on my computer, I would have to say Ziggle Designs, Ellie Lash and Flergs.
What is your favorite part of a kit to design?
The doodles 🙂
What is the weirdest thing you have used as a texture?
A fake leaf from the garden of Pixie Hollow at Disneyland that I took while waiting in line to see Tinkerbell 🙂
What is your favorite kit that you have designed?
My favorite kit that I have designed isn’t in the store yet! But it will be soon! My favorite in the store is probably my Good Clean Fun kit:

What is your least favorite? Hands down, my first kit ever designed. Its scary. We shall not show that off 🙂
How do you get started on a kit? Palette first? Rough idea on what you want your papers or elements to look like? I usually just start with a rough concept or idea, then I need a palette before I can get any farther. After I pick colors then I usually make most of my papers first, then I can get the elements I want.
How long does it typically take you to make a kit? I can rarely get a kit done from start to finish in one session. It takes me anywhere from 2 to 7 days to put a kit together. Total hours is probably over 12.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My weight.
What is the one word that best describes you? Smart.
Who is the most important person in your life? My husband.
What is something that not many people know about you? I played varsity rugby in university. (Jen editing it here: Char is CANADIAN!)
If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Australia
When you were little what did you dream of being when you grew up? Older LOL. I always wanted to be an artist, I guess this is kind of realizing a dream for me (warning, moment of self-realization incoming!). I always used to draw and doodle and sign it with a fake name, like I was using a pseudonym because I was so “famous”. Ahh the good old days 🙂
What do you like doing with your family? We love going camping! I can’t wait for camping season to start!
Where is your favorite place to be?
At home in front of my computer!
Edward or Jacob?
Edward, for sure!
CU or do it your self?
Do it myself. I use a bit of CU, but most of my stuff is my own.

Some other kits in my store:

This is Charmaine’s latest kit, out on Wednesday, a collaboration with Jen of Graham Like the Cracker, called The Seaweed is Always Greener.

You can download the quick page of Charmaine’s layout before you can even buy the kit! Click the image or HERE to download!

NEW at Gingerscraps!

We are excited to announce the next big thing here at Gingerscraps:

We are really excited about this.

Are you an experienced scrapper who has lost your mojo?
Do you want to go to the next level with your layouts?
Do you wonder why your layouts just don’t look “done”?
or are you a brand new scrapper who wants to learn “everything!”?

Join the Gingerscraps team for an intense 6 week basic training course that will help you grow as a scrapper!

We will have weekly tutorials, prizes, CC, and lots of fun! Click on the flyer to sign up in our forum! You have to sign up by Saturday May 2nd, and our first week’s training starts on Sunday, May 3rd. If you do not sign up, you will not have access to the private boot camp forum,

NEW Friday Feature!!

Hi fellow scrappers 🙂
We have come up with a fun new idea for our Friday Features!!!
We are going to start featuring a Layout of the week from the GingerScraps gallery!!!!
And guess what…. if your Layout is selected you will get $5.00 to spend in the GingerScraps shop!!

SOOO this weeks Layout of the week is…..
Toes: By Kimmie

CONGRATS Kimmie!!!
Check your Private Messages at the GingerScraps Forum to get you prize 🙂

Now all you lovely scrappers out there in scrap land, get your fabulous layouts in the gallery and you might just have the layout of the week next week 🙂

Happy Scrapping all, I hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂

We have some awesome stuff planned for National Scrapbooking Day 🙂 You are going to LOVE it !!! More details soon 🙂
Ginger 🙂

Freebies List!

and if you visit this thread you can win Misty’s newest kit, Woodland Park Zoo for free!

Freshly Baked in the Gingerscraps Store!

First up, we have a kit from Misty O’Brien
Named after our favorite zoo in Seattle, this kit is perfect for scrapping all of your zoo outings!

This kit is $3.50. It will be on sale for 20% off through Sunday.

EVERYONE who buys this kit between release day and April 30th will receive her next kit, Romantical for free!!!!! (Coupon expires May 15th).

Next, we have TWO kits from Charmaine at Wyld Web Designs:

A modern take on the heirloom scrapbooking kit! This kit uses a lovely palette of blues and browns with a pop of orange to highlight photos for any occasion!

This kit is $4.00, but is on sale, 25% off until Sunday!

and for her second release,
We all have our favorite pair of blue jeans! This kit is made of textures and elements that remind me of that extra comfortable, indispensable pair of jeans!

This kit is $4.00 and 25% off through Sunday.

Next we have a versital alpha set from Jodi:
These alphas come in a sheet and in individual letters for your personal scrapbooking preferences. This alpha set is $2.00

and from Jen of Graham Like the Cracker, a mini-kit:
This is no ordinary space kit! This black and white beauty can scrap your little astronaut’s space picture’s or go black tie and scrap formal pictures.
It is $3.00 and also on sale for 25% off through Sunday.

and our last, but certainly not least freshly baked item is a kit from Stephanie:
This kit is $3.99 and on sale through Tuesday.

Happy Scrapping everyone!