Archives for October 2009

LOTW Nominations

All of you are so great! We’ve only been back in the swing of things for a few days and already the gallery is starting to fill up with new layouts. I’m so excited to bring you the LOTW nominations. Head on over to the forum and vote for your favorite!

Here they are in all their glory

By Jak

By Jak

By LorryFach

By LorryFach

By sladd79054

By sladd79054

by Slurpeegirl13

by Slurpeegirl13

Those are all so great. It will be hard to pick just one! Head over to the forum and vote! Don’t forget to click on each of the layouts and leave them love too!

What would a LOTW be without an honorable mention? Check out this layout by our lovely GingerSnap Laura:

Honorable Mention by Laura

Honorable Mention by Laura

That’s all that I have for you today! Happy Scrapping!


New/Old Releases!

While Ginger and the other designers get all of their new releases organized for next week, I thought I’d stop by and show off some of the kits that were released just before we went down for maintenance.

Let’s start with this lovely peice by Miss Erin Scraps called “When September Ends”

“Filled to the brim with softness and subtlety, here is a kit for all occasions. It comes with 64 whimsical elements and 12 papers, 2 of which will make great “scene pages” because they are laid out to look like rooms with checkered floors.”

I looked through the gallery and found this lovely page made using Erin’s kit:

Next, we have a fun little kit by Statements by Jodi called “It’s Potty Time”. I don’t think I’ve seen a kit all about potty training until now, and it’s the perfect kit to scrap those could be embarrasing pre-wedding photo’s of your little ones or even to make some lovely hybrid potty charts!

“This kit includes 18 papers, 70 elements, 73 stickers, A FULL alpha, and a printable 8×11 sticker chart that you can print out and use during your child’s potty training! 4 different candy rewards, 2 rolls of toilet paper, a 5×7 sticker chart for your LO’s, 2 potty chairs, 1 staple, 4 boys and 4 girls (blond, brunette, red head and black hair), 4 frames, 2 journal blocks, 2 step stools, 1 toilet, 1 sink, 5 flowers, 10 buttons, 6 pair of girl underwear and 5 pair of boy underwear, and 5 book plates.”

Those are some great kits! Click the kit images to be taken to the shop and head over to the gallery to leave love by clicking on the layouts.

Now, guess what! I have a couple more CT introductions for you. So far we’ve met Laura, Julie, Rachel, March, Becka, Barbara, Stephanie, Jodi and myself. Today meet:

GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady

GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady





Happy Scrapping everyone!


More GingerSnap Introductions!

Welcome back everyone! So glad you stopped in to meet some more of the GingerSnaps. Have you all had a chance to stop by the forum and say Hello? I just wanted to ask you all to be patient while we get our challenges and such up and ready for October! Thank you so much for hanging in there while we were under construction.

Are you ready to meet some more of the team? Yay! Here they are…




GingerSnap and Hybrid Queen


GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady

Check back again soon to meet more of the GingerSnaps!

At the top of our Best Sellers list in the shop today is a kit by Wyld Web Designs called “A Scrap A day”. It’s such a great kit to scrap those every day photos. Here’s a preview:

Click the image to be taken to the store.

Also on that list is a kit by GingerScraps called “Jack O Lantern”. It’s about that time once again to start scrapping your pumpkin carving and Halloween photo’s what better kit then this:

Click the image to be taken to the store.

Wow! Have you taken a good look through the store lately? Lots of great stuff to choose from. Check back for our Fresh Baked Wednesday post to see what the GingerBread ladies have cooked up for you this week!

Happy Scrapping!


It’s a Blog-napping!

Can you still call it that if the boss handed the reigns over to us willingly? Haha! Anyway…

Welcome everyone to the New and Improved GingerScraps Blog! We are all so excited to bring you lots of new stuff! Don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter if you haven’t already because there will be lots of fun and exciting things to come!

All of Ginger’s store CT girls (a.k.a. Gingersnaps) have teamed up and we’ve successfully taken over her blog. So we’ll have lots and lots of surprises ahead. First thing though, I want to get you all familiar with the team. Our lovely Gingersnap March has put together some beautiful introductions using Ginger’s kit “Fancy Fall”.

Click the image to be taken to the store!

It’s the perfect time of year for that kit! I love the warm fall colors. Now, it’s time for some introductions…


GingerSnap and Blog Manager

Gingersnap March







GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady


GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady

I’ll be back tomorrow with introductions for the rest of the girls! Until then, head over to the forum and check out any of the Challenges! You could be entered to win a gift card to the GingerScraps shop if you complete a challenge and post your link here in the comments!

See you tomorrow!



Hi all 🙂
Looking like GingerScraps will be back up and running on Monday!!

Yahooooo 🙂

While the server and upgrades were taking place… the GingerScraps b-day passed.

Sooo… we will be having a Birthday celebration. More details soon 🙂

Cant wait to catch up with everyone next week!! I have missed my GS friends!!!!


I miss you all!!!!!!!
We are super close!
It take a a lot of work to change everything to a new server!! And I decided to make a variety of other upgrades that are all very time consuming.

I cant wait till GS is back!!!!!!!! I am so lonely! LOL

I will give you all an ETA in the next day or two.