Archives for 2009

Happy Black Friday!!!!!!

There is a lot of amazing deals out there in scrapland today… but dont pass this one up!!!

The GingerBread Ladies have some GREAT new goodies for you today AND AMAZINGย sales!!!

And of course some yummy treats too ๐Ÿ™‚ More then one new freebie out today for you ๐Ÿ™‚

First lets look at some of the great new products released today….

Check out this super cute collab by Graham Like The Cracker and Stolen Moments called One More Sleep

This classic Christmas kit is filled with over 50 elements and 21 papers! It is $6.00

These are the Photoshop ASL glitter styles to compliment the Christmas kit, One More Sleep…. It comes with all 6 colors used in the kit, Red, pink, cream, light blue, mint and green.

It also comes with 6 12×12 jpeg glitter sheets for non-photoshop users.

Plus there are two bonus 12×12 glitter swirl sheets included – Only $3.00

Also a matching word art set ๐Ÿ™‚

OR- you can really save big and get the bundle!!!

And next up we have a set of Quick Pages from Scrappy Cocoa’s fabulous kit Oh Santa!

And you wont beleive it.. Iย – Ginger- actually have a new kit out! Little Black Dress.

Every girl needs a Little Black Dress!

As said by Coco Chanel, “A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”

This kit is just that… Classy and Fabulous!! Perfect kit for your elegant layouts~ wedding, prom, girls night out, romantic evenings, or even your little girl playing dress-up. The must have Little Black Dress for this season ๐Ÿ™‚

Little Black Dress includes:

*12 Papers *29 Elements~ Only $5.00

Little Black Dress~ Glitter
The matching glitter for the Little Black Dress kit:

Includes- 6 glitter styles for photoshop users
6 seamless glitter tiles in png form for the non-photoshop user~ only $2.00

Here are a few Layouts from my GingerSnaps

And for your first Freebie!! A lovely QP made by Julie (my sister) for you all ๐Ÿ™‚ Personal Use only … click on the image to download. OR click HERE

And one more AMAZING freebie!! Harmony Star has a FULL kit for you!!

You busy digi scrappers out there deserve a present for all your time spent scrapping memories. So here is a winter kit great for all those snow pictures, or christmas tree pictures. . . and it’s FREE! It’ll only be available through January so snag it soon!

Oh and if the wasnt enough… check out these GREAT sales!!!

GingerScraps Designer Call

HI! It’s another lovely Sunday. I am just here to remind you about the GingerScraps Designer call. The first challenge is up and that means freebies for us scrappers!

And a great opportunity for all you designers looking for a awesome place to call home!

The first challenge is posted and the kits are coming in! They are so cute so far..

No need to sign up. Just come do the first challenge and turn it in by the deadline. Then the Designers and GingerScraps CT will vote on who will be moving on in their private forum. The first challenge is due Wed Nov 25 at 12:00 NOON PST!

There is still time to join the fun and the best Scrappin site out there ๐Ÿ™‚

Click on the flyer to go to the forum.

See you there!


Congrats to aevans96 for winning our LOTW!

Here is her gorgeous winter LO!


Angela won LOTW not too long ago as well.ย  Check out her previous feature HERE.

And now we get to learn more about her!

What is the weirdest thing in your scrapping workspace? A staple gun

What is your favorite food?
Chicken and Broccoli Scampi or Alfredo.

If you had to pick a favorite toe, which would it be?
None, I hate my toes.

Do you put your shoes on sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
socks then shoes

If you were a cartoon character, which would you most relate to?
Turner from Handy Manny.
I can really relate to his sarcasm.

When you replace the toilet paper does it go over, under, or doesn’t matter?
It totally matters. Over!
It’s so much easier to find the end.

Thanks Angela!ย  Keep the great LOs coming!

11/19 LOTW Nominees!!

Hey everyone, Laura here to bring you the newest layouts of the week! Here they are in all their glory! Don’t forget to go vote for you favorite LO in this thread! See ya next Friday ๐Ÿ˜‰













And of course an honorable mention by Gingerscraps Store CT Sara!! Congrats girl!



Freebie time!

Our first freebie today is from one of Misty’s CT girls, Monica.ย  She used the collab kit “Just Married” by Misty O’Brien Designs and Wyld Web Designs.


Our next freebie is from Charmaine’s CT member Angela.ย  She used Wyld Web Designs “Giggly Shop Hop”


And our last freebie today is a template from Miss Erin’s Scraps.


Fresh Baked 11-18

mmmmmm It smells good in here!! We have some yummy new goodies for you today!!

But wait! Before we get to that… Check this out….

GingerScraps first ever Designer Call!!! Click HERE to get more info.


And now on to the wonderful goodies from the GingerBread Ladies this week!! ๐Ÿ™‚

First up we have a super precious kit from Jen- Graham Like The Cracker. Little Princess Sighs
“I absolutely love the newborn stage. It is the best sound in the world when your baby is resting on your shoulder and they make a tiny little sigh. So this kit is for scrapping all of those delicious newborn moments! It is filled with lots of stars, ribbon, buttons, ric rac and other scrapping necessities for scrapping your newborn princess.”

This kit 36 elements and the layered elements come with a drop shadow version.
This kit also contains 21 papers.

Jen also made these Four word art made to coordinate with the Little Princess Sighs kit.

She also made The Royal Chrome Alpha- It is a perfect addition to the Little Princess Sighs kit but also a very versatile stand alone product!

And of course- the Bling!! A set of matching glitter styles- as well as glitterl sheets for the non- photoshop user ๐Ÿ™‚

And if you really want to get a smokin hot deal.. pick up the bundle- everything shown is included in the bundle-

The Full Little Princess Sighs kit, Word Art, Alpha, Glitter

Now are you ready to see this precious LO’s using Little Princess Sighs





Misty has some fun things this week too!

“Love Glitter? Want your own Custom Made Styles? Look no further! Even if you don’t have Photoshop or Elements you can still get your own Custom Glitter. You will receive one ASL file for use in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements (tested in CS+ and Elements 5+) as well as EIGHT Glitter sheets for use in all other programs. These glitter styles are for commercial or personal use, no credit required. Installation instructions to Photoshop and Elements will also be included.”

Fort Wilderness Glitter Alpha
You will receive a lower glitter alpha that coordinates with my Fort Wilderness kit. Only $2.00

And Scrappy Cocoa has an Oh so cute kit!!

Oh Santa!
Is it Christmas time already? Join in on the fun with My new kit, Oh Santa! This is a fun kit packed full of bright non traditional Christmas colors. A perfect addition to any Christmas stash! The kit is huge with 16 Papers, 54 Elements and a full alpha!!! The whole kit is available for $4.00! Don’t forget about the free add on!

Here are some fabulous CT LO’s

And last- but definitely not least!! We have an amazing collab by Char- WyldWebDesigns and Misty O’Brien

This huge collaboration kit by Wyld Web Designs and Misty O’Brien Designs is full of stunning, vibrant colors to give your wedding photos the brilliance and elegance they deserve. This kit of 54 elements and 17 papers contains:
17 elegant textured and patterned papers
9 glitter swirls
4 ribbons
2 strings
1 string with heart
1 tag frame
4 tags
2 journal mats
2 scallop page borders
1 bride
1 groom
1 carriage
3 buttons
1 glitter brad
1 glitter flower
3 brads
1 bead scatter
1 pile of confetti
1 cake
6 flowers
3 frames
1 champagne glass
2 ribbon clusters
1 interlocking rings
1 wavy page border

This vibrant glitter pack coordinates perfectly with the Just Married collaboration from Misty O’Brien and Wyld Web Designs. This product contains an .ASL file for use in Photoshop, as well as individual glitter sheets for use in other programs.

This sparkling metal-edged alpha coordinates perfectly with the Just Married collaboration from Misty O’Brien and Wyld Web Designs. Provided in both teal and purple, this alpha contains both upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and symbols. Four downloads are provided, two in individual PNG format, and two in full sheet format so that you may choose your download of preference


These plastic acrylic styles are perfectly matched to the kit, Just Married by Misty O’Brien and Wyld Web Designs. Simply apply the style to any shape and you have a perfectly matched element! File contains one .ASL file containing 5 styles for use in Photoshop only.


This set of five individual wordarts are a perfect touch for your wedding page. Designed to coordinate with the kit, Just Married, these individual PNG format wordarts will work as a title or a journaling moment to hi-light the special moments of your special day.


This set of two gorgeously crafted cluster elements will add a touch of elegance to your layout. They coordinate with the Just Married collaboration from Misty O’Brien and Wyld Web Designs and will provide an excellent starting point for any bridal layout.


This huge collaboration kit is full of stunning, vibrant colors to give your wedding photos the brilliance and elegance they deserve. This bundle includes the full “Just Married” kit, glitter styles, acrylic styles, 2 complete alphas, a wordart pack and two bonus clusters. You save over 60% by purchasing the mega bundle!

Everything above (except the bundle) is 20% off through 11/24/09 ๐Ÿ™‚

And here are a few LO’s to showcase this amazing kit!!





lotw winner

Once again we had a tie for our LOTW!ย  It gets so hard when we have so many great LOs entering our gallery every day.

Congrats this week to slurpeegirl13 and kladle!

Let us get to know our winners a little better.


Winning LO:


I just love the colors and the clustering on this LO.ย  Not to mention the great photo capture!

What is your name? Kathy Ladle
Where do you live? Tallahassee, FL
Do you have a blog?
How long have you been scrapping? Paper scrapping 13 years, digital 1 year
What is your favorite GingerScraps product? I honestly couldn’t name just one thing! I LOVE everything!! Especially girly things since I only have daughters.
What is your scrapping weakness? I’m not terribly good with blended photos as well as clusters
Scrapping strength? That’s a good question……
What is your favorite LO you’ve ever made (besides this winning one?) It would have to be this one:

What are three things you would like to do, but you have not yet done? Sky Diving, finish my college studies, survive being a mom of a teenage daughter
If you could do any kind of work and knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do? Graphic Design
What’s something that can always make you feel better? A Coke and Twix candy bar or SHOPPING!!
When you replace the toilet paper doe it go over, under, or doesn’t matter? I totally just slap it on! My sister tells me I do it wrong if it’s not on the top.
What is the best day in your life? ONE of the best days of my life was when the adoption of our youngest daughter was finalized. Great day!!


Winning LO:

slurpeegirl13This LO is marvelously colored and I love how it sparkles.

slurpeegirl13 is on a roll, she won a LOTW not long ago and was also featured HERE but now we get the chance to know even more about her!

How do you like your eggs cooked? Fertilized LOL We’re trying for #2.
What’s something that can always make you feel better? Slurpees!
If you were a cartoon character, which would you most relate to? Ariel from the Little Mermaid
Have you ever crawled through a window? Why? Yes, to stop a teenager from doing something he shouldn’t have been doing when I was a youth worker.

Congrats again to both of our winners!ย  And thanks for letting us get to know you better!

blank-tag filled

LOTW Nominees 11/6-11/12

Hello ladies, Laura here! So I’m back today to show you a whole bunch of sweet new layouts from our amazing gallery! You all are so talented it’s hard to pick only a few!

Here are the nominees for this week! After you take a look, head over to the LOTW thread to cast your vote!

















And of course an honorable mention by one of our fabulous GingerSnaps! Nutsaboutgabe (Barb) of Ginger’s CT made this adorable LO!!



GO VOTE!!! And have a great weekend! XOXO


Fresh Baked Wednesday

Mmmm….do you smell that?ย  That’s right!ย  It’s the smell of all the fresh baked goodies that the GingerBread ladies have come up for you this week!

I love the smell of fresh baked goodies in the morning.ย  Let’s dig in!

First we have Moonlight Sonata by Miss Erin’s Scraps.

Relax in the warmth of the moonlight and scrap to your heart’s content with this sweet and soft kit.
Included in this kit are 33 unique and romantic elements, and most come in a shadowed version!
Also 10 dreamy well-textured papers. 20% off through Sunday, November 15!


Here are some fabulous CT layouts!


AND you can visit Miss Erin’s Scraps blog to get this free cluster!!

moonlight cluster

Plus Misty has made a beautiful coordinating glitter styles pack to go with the “Halloween Town” kit by Miss Erin’s Scraps.

glitterYou will receive an .asl file for Photoshop and Elements, along with 6 glitter sheets for other programs.
Installation instructions included for PS and PSE.
Product is ok for CU, no credit required but always appreciated.

Don’t forget to also pick up the Halloween Town kit that’s already in the store!

Also this week Harmonystar is releasing a few of her amazing items into the store.

The first is her Country Page Kit – A fun page kit with a unique way to use cardboard to really make your LO stand out!

Country Page Kit includes:
– 3 cardboard papers with holes cut out
– 1 full cardboard paper
– 1 tan paper
– 3 paper strips (1 w/ shadow)
– chicken wire
– 3 hearts (2 w/ shadow)
– brad
– photo corner

Here is a LO by Harmonystar herself using this kit:


And a LO by Barbara


Secondly, Harmonystar has her Fly Page Kit – A great page kit to give a traditional scrapping look.

HS_fly preview

Fly Page Kit includes:
– 2 wrinkled papers
– “live”,”laugh”, “love”, strips
– heart brad
– knot
– 3 mattes
– matte stitch
– straight stitch
– photo corner
– 2 stars
– 4tags (2 w/ shadow)
– twine wrap

Here is the LO she made with this kit:

The final goodie from Harmonystar are her Dino Buddies.ย  Who doesn’t love a cute dinosaur? Here’s 5 for you to love!


They’re perfect for any dino layouts like this:


Wow!ย  So many amazing goodies this week! Can you handle all the yummy calories?!?ย  But wait!ย  There’s more!!

Ginger, the Queen, has lots of fun buckles for you this week!! They all can be used together or separately. You just need to Buckle Up ๐Ÿ™‚

First is the set of Buckles frames and more

GS_Buckle_Up_Frames_and_More_pThis is a fun and versatile set of Buckle Frames and more. Matches with the Buckle up Alpha and Buckle set.

5 Buckle embellished frames
Buckle boarder
Hanging buckles on ribbon
On sale now for $2.00

Then this Buckle Up alpha.

GS_packagingBuckle_UP_alphaBuckle Up alpha goes perfectly with the rest of the Buckle Up collection! OR as a stand alone product. Ginger says,
“I started by making all these buckles, then made a full metal alpha. Carefully attaching buckles to each letter, character, and number- I made this Buckle Up Alpha. Love this alpha!! Works great in almost any LO.”

This is a full alpha-
In separate PNG files and on a full sheet. Use your preference.
Only $2.00

And last but not the full set of handmade buckles! The CU approved Buckles and Buttons Set!

GS_packagingBuckle_up-BucklBuckle Up – Buckles and Buttons is a set of CU- PU- or S4H Buckles and Buttons.

It includes 15 Buckles and 5 Buttons.

The possibilities are endless with this set!! Also check out the matching Alpha and Frame set.
On sale for only $4.00

And check out all these amazing LO’s using the Buckle Up goodies!


And if you really wanna save big…. check out the Buckle up Bundle..

GS_packagingBuckle_up-bundlThis is the Buckle Up Bundle!! You will save $4.00 if you buy the bundle ๐Ÿ™‚
This bundle includes:

**Buckle Up~ Frames and More**
**Buckle Up~ Alpha**
**Buckle Up~ Buckles and Buttons Set**

The possibilities are endless with this set!! Have fun creating ๐Ÿ™‚ And remember.. Buckle up! ๐Ÿ™‚
The complete Buckle Up set for only $6.00!!

Next up we have a Basic Metal Alpha by Graham like the Cracker.

GS Metal AlphaA basic metal alpha that is a must in any scrapper’s stash. It is simple and elegant and works in almost any layout.

This alpha contains upper and lower case letters, numbers, and full punctuation including several international characters.ย  Only $2.00!

The next item available is a 10 page Brag Book album created by Misty’s CT member (and she’s a designer!), Little Red Scraps.ย  She used Misty’s outdoorsy kit, Fort Wilderness.

MOB_LRS_GS_FW_BBPreviewYou will receive ten 4×6 Quick Pages that allow you to add up to 13 photos! All pages come in .png form.

And last, but most definitely not least,ย  today is Jodi’s birthday!ย  HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODI!!ย  She is celebrating by giving YOU a gift! Her Happy Birthday Mini kit is free today only! Tomorrow it goes into the store for $3 so be sure to grab it today!


And that’s it for today!ย  Go ahead and go over to the shop and check it all out – up close and personal!


Monday Madness!

“It’s a mad mad mad mad world out there!!” Or so the 1963 movie title says. I don’t know why that came to mind this morning, but it got me thinking about my challenges in the forum. Each month I search far and wide (throughout the internet) for the perfect movie and song to bring you my two Pop Culture challenges. This month our Cinematastic challenge brings you a look at “The Game Plan”. Perfect for scrapping some of those great football layouts or even a good one for the fathers out there. The That’s Music to my Ears challenge this month brings you to Kellie Pickler and her song “Things That Never Cross a Man’s Mind” with fun lyrics like “I need to go shopping, These shoes are all wrong, Just look in my closet, Not a thing to put on I wonder how these jeans make me look from behind, Things that never cross a man’s mind”. Think you could scrap a cute layout about your little fashion diva with those lyrics?!

If you happen to be cruising the forum today around 5:30 pm Pacific, go ahead and stop on by the Speed Scrap Forum and join us for a speedy scrap! Your host Marie will be offering up a great participation prize. Hope to see you there!

Well, my computer battery is about to die, so I better finish this up real fast. Happy Scrapping Ladies!
