Archives for 2009

We have some SUPER cute fresh baked goodies for you all today!!!

First up, is this adorable girly kit is perfect for the girly-girl in your life!

A collaboration between Karen Lewis Designz and Wyld Web Designs, Giggly Shop Hop is full of sweet and fun elements for the little diva in your life!

And it is 20% off NOW!

The papers:

Some Layouts:

By Laura

By Jenn

By Becka

born-to-laughBy Me (Ginger)

And that not all from Char this week!! This next kit is the one you need for those pictures of our kids when they do something naughty!

“Inspired by my son, who I frequently (but lovingly!) call Little Stinker, this kit reminds me of all the crazy and naughty things he does!”

And it is 20% off NOW!

The Papers

A few of the many wonderful LO’s form the Wyld Graham Crackers CT. Wish we could show them all!! But you can always head over to the GingerScraps Gallery to see more 🙂

beckaBy Becka

lauraBy Laura

catgoddessBy Catgoddess

Next up and Just in time for Halloween….Miss Erin gives us Halloween Town!

“The most mystical time of year is Halloween and to remember and preserve those memories is like to capture a little piece of magic frozen in time forever.
This kit comes with 42 magically spooky elements, including a psd file to make your own digital labels (plain blank label in png format also included).
Also included are 14 fun papers in bright solids, silly patterns, and even one scene page! And don’t forget the alpha! It comes in upper and lowercase, including numbers, punctuation, and even a couple European accent symbols added by request! ”

Miss Erin has some very spooktacular treats for you too!!!

Keep reading till the end for some GREAT freebies!! One is even CU!!! AND- One lucky person can win Halloween Town! Miss Erin has a super fun little game going on on her blog.. and I have been given permission to revel the first secret clue here on this blog as well!!

Be sure to check Miss Erins blog each day this week for the rest of the clues

Halloween Town is 25% off NOW!

A few LO’s by Miss Erics CT:

By Nona

By Blanka

Keep on going to get some awesome treats from Miss Erin!!!!…..

And a shameless plug… since it is almost Halloween.. and I am the Queen after all…

I recently did a little update on Jack-O-Lantern

This kit as all about pumpkins!! Perfect for pictures of your carved masterpiece 🙂 Your trip to the pumpkin patch, or your fall and Halloween photos.

Jack-O-Lantern is %50 off till November 1st!

Next up we have a great new template set from Steph- aka- Scrappy Cocoa

Set of 4 12×12 Templates. So versatile! Just flip the template for a whole new look!
A Steal at only $2.00

A few litttle examples of the some of the templates in action:

And finally we have a fun and bright kit by Jen- Graham Like The Cracker- Movers and Shakers

“Inspired by my son’s favorite Saturday morning band, this highly textured kit is sure to brighten up your pages. It includes over 40 felt, paper, and metal elements plus 12 papers for scrapping all of your little mover’s imaginative moments on the go.”

And it is 20% off NOW!!

By Becka

By Jenn

And Finally some GOODIES!!! Miss Erin has some great treats for you!!




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It’s Freebie time again!

First Freebie today is from me.  It was a participation prize at one point.  If you didn’t get it then you can get it now. Click the preview to download it from 4shared!


Next up we have a freebie from Jane who CT’s for The Wyld Graham Crackers.  2 brag book pages made from Wyld Web Designs collab kit Giggly Shop Hop that will be available at Ginger Scraps tomorrow!  Click on the preview to download from her blog.


Next we have a freebie from Marie who CT’s for Miss Erin’s Scraps.  It’s an adorable QP made from Erin’s kit “I do believe in fairies” that will be available at Ginger Scraps tomorrow!  Click on the preview to download it from her blog.


That’s all for today!  Hope you enjoy the freebies!



lotw winner banner


In case you missed it before, here is her fabulous layout!

Girly by slurpeegirl13*Image linked*

I love it!!  I think it’s the essence of girly for sure!

And we would like to take a minute to get to know our winner a little better!

What is your name?
Trina aka slurpeegirl13

Where do you live?
Alberta, Canada

Do you have a blog?

How long have you been scrapping?
I paper scrapped for about 7 years before, and I’ve been digi scrapping for 5 years now. I don’t paper scrap at all now.

What is your favorite GingerScraps product?
Favorite one that I have is Little Sighs

Favorite one that is on my wish list still – A Beautiful Dream

I just love the colors in both of these kits!

What is your scrapping weakness?
Blending – still learning about brushes and how to blend.

Scrapping strength?
I like to cluster things.

What is your favorite LO you’ve ever made?
My actual favorite I can’t show you because it’s being published in March in Scrapbook Trends, but this is my second fave:

Jack-O-Lantern by slurpeegirl13*Image linked*

Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Mountains, definitely! No one needs to see me in a bathing suit.

What is on your mouse pad?

Do you put your shoes on sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
Living in Canada, we don’t wear our shoes in the house, so definitely sock, sock, shoe, shoe.

If you could do any kind of work and knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?
Digital Scrapbooking Designer LOL I have no clue how they make all those pretty things, even though I love using them.

What talent would people be surprised to hear you have?
I can turn oxygen into carbon dioxide (dh can turn it into methane!).

Where’s Waldo?
Over there! Don’t you see him?

Sara tag

LOTW Nominees!!!

Hi everyone! This is my first official post to the GS blog and what a better way than to showcase some awesome layouts from the GS gallery?! Check out all these fabulous layouts and then go vote for them in the LOTW thread!! Congrats to all the nominees!














And honorable mention goes to March! Congrats!


Don’t forget to head over the forum to vote for your favorite layout!!

Have a great weekend! XO


Fresh Baked Wednesday

Are you ready for this? Lot’s of awesome goodness from our GingerBread ladies this lovely Wednesday! Let’s get to it!

I would like to start off with this super cute Halloween kit by Wyld Web Designs called “All Hallows’ Eve”

“Spookify your loved ones’ pictures with this kit in celebration of Halloween! Great for showing off your ghosties and goblins, this kit features all the fun features of a good Halloween celebration! All elements and papers are created in 300dpi and quality checked.”

This kit comes with 9 papers and over 20 elements!! Plus, there’s this perfect coordinating alpha:

“This scribbled, chipboard alpha will add a spooky touch to any layout! Though it coordinates perfectly with my All Hallows Eve kit, this alpha will lend a quirky touch to any layout! This alpha contains both upper and lowercase letters, in both sheet and individual PNG format for your convenience.”

Now for the best part. Okay, so the kits themselves are the best part, but I LOVE checking out the awesome layouts put together by the girls here at Ginger Scraps. Check these out:

By Jenn:

By Grace:

By Laura:

So, what did you think about all that great Halloween fun!? Char of Wyld Web Designs has another great kit being released today. You must check this out:

“This soft, pastel kit is perfect for the little girl in your life! Inspired by my daughter and her best friend, this kit is filled with sweet, girly touches!”

“My Best Friend” includes 8 papers and over 15 elements!! Check out these coordinating goodies:

“This acrylic alpha matches the sweet kit, My Best Friend. It include both lower and upper case letters as well as numbers and punctuation. Each character is available in both individual PNG format as well as sheets for your convenience.”

“These plastic acrylic styles are perfectly matched to the kit, My Best Friend. Simply apply the style to any shape and you have a perfectly matched element! File contains one .ASL file containing 5 styles for use in Photoshop only.”

Like the kit and all the goodies? Wish you could get them together for one low price? You can!! Save over 20% by getting this bundle:

Here are some CT layouts for your viewing pleasure:

By Laura:

By Irma:

By Trina:

Just wonderful aren’t they? Well, now I’d like to show you some super new stuff from Statements by Jodi. She has 4 new alphas and a cute little charm set being released today:

“This Alpha is 3-D! All you have to do is color it, add your paper or texture, or add your personal touch to make this Alpha your own!”

“At one time this Alpha was a participation prize. If you missed it you can get it now!
Silver Fancy Pants Alpha is a full alpha and includes full upper alpha and full lower alpha.”

“This Heart Charm Alpha was a participation prize at one point, so if you missed it then, you can get it now!”

“I made this alpha with the same color pallet as the School Days Collab that Scrappy Cocoa and I did together. This Alpha has a a full upper alpha and a full set of numbers.”

“These charms will add something special to your spring layouts. Just choose a color and add a fastener and you have added a unique touch to your layout.
Each charm comes in silver chrome and gold.”

Check back tomorrow for an exclusive interview with the ever so talented owner of Ginger Scraps. Our very own, queen of the GingerBread Ladies, Ginger!

Till then, happy scrapping!


Ginger Scraps Freebies

Today a couple of the Ginger Scrap girls have some freebies for you!

First up we have this wonderful add on from Misty O’Brien Designs.  The add on is part of her “In the Purple Spotlight” kit that you can purchase at Ginger Scraps for only $3!  You can pick up the add on freebie at Misty O’Brien Designs’ blog.


Next we have a freebie from one of Ginger’s new creative team girls, March.  It is a beautiful quick page made with Ginger’s wonderful “Wild Cherry Tea”.  Click the image to be taken to the download.


Come back next week for more freebies!


And the winner is…

Welcome back! I’m so happy to announce the LOTW winner! Congratulations to Slurpeegirl13!! Here is her beautiful winning LO:

Click the image to be taken to the gallery!

Okay, so I have no idea why all of a sudden this blog post wants to write in italics, but I guess we’ll just have to go with it because I’m not starting over and for some reason they won’t turn off! Knowing my luck, I’ll sit here and complain about it and it will be perfectly normal once I hit publish.. haha!

Anyway, did you know that Ginger Scraps features a Speed Scrap everyday of every month? Isn’t that absolutely amazing? (Due to the fact that we missed part of September and October, some of those have been rescheduled or canceled in order for us to get completely caught up.) But, have no fear! There are still plenty to go around for the rest of October and we’ll be in full swing again come November. Here’s a look at the coming week:

Mon Oct 19 – Adriana
4pm PDT
5pm MDT
6pm CDT
7pm EDT
1am next day CEST

Tues Oct 20 – TBA

Wed Oct 21- Barbara
5pm EDT
6pm MDT
7pm CDT
8pm EDT
2am next day CEST

Thurs Oct 22 – Char & Laura
9pm PDT
10pm MDT
11pm CDT
12am next day EDT
6am next day CEST

Fri Oct 23 – Jane
11am PDT
12pm MDT
1pm CDT
2pm EDT
8pm CEST

Sat Oct 24 – TBA

Sun Oct 25 – Jillian
12pm PDT
1pm MDT
2pm CDT
3pm EDT
8pm CET

Wow! Doesn’t that look great! I can’t wait to participate in some of those. Hope to see you there! I think that’s all that I have for you today. Check back tomorrow for some more great stuff from these lovely GingerSnaps!! <<hey look at that, no more italics!


Challenge Time!

Hi, It’s Julie! I hope you are having a nice relaxing fall weekend. Do you want to get some scrapping done? You should go to the GingerScraps Forum and do a challenge or 2! Now that GingerScraps is back up and running with our new server, us GS ladies are working hard on getting the challenges back up and running so you can get back to the fun! I’m hosting 2 challenges this month. The word lovers challenge, and Technique Time! Here are a few of the lovely challenge LOs that our awesome members have done so far!

Angelas LO

Angela's LO

Jenis LO

Jeni's LO

Jodis LO

Jodi's LO

I love doing Challenges! What a great way to get some inspiration! Oh and there will be a prize at the end of the month, just stay tuned to the forum!

Oh and don’t forget about the Speed Scraps! Those are SO FUN! Love them! You get a LO done and you get to chat with the other scrappers, and you get a prize! How great is that! We have lots of SS left this month so go HERE to see the dates and times!

There is one TODAY at 12 noon pacific time! Jillian is hosting! It will be a blast! I will see you there!

Have a Fabulous Day!

LOTW Nominations

All of you are so great! We’ve only been back in the swing of things for a few days and already the gallery is starting to fill up with new layouts. I’m so excited to bring you the LOTW nominations. Head on over to the forum and vote for your favorite!

Here they are in all their glory

By Jak

By Jak

By LorryFach

By LorryFach

By sladd79054

By sladd79054

by Slurpeegirl13

by Slurpeegirl13

Those are all so great. It will be hard to pick just one! Head over to the forum and vote! Don’t forget to click on each of the layouts and leave them love too!

What would a LOTW be without an honorable mention? Check out this layout by our lovely GingerSnap Laura:

Honorable Mention by Laura

Honorable Mention by Laura

That’s all that I have for you today! Happy Scrapping!


New/Old Releases!

While Ginger and the other designers get all of their new releases organized for next week, I thought I’d stop by and show off some of the kits that were released just before we went down for maintenance.

Let’s start with this lovely peice by Miss Erin Scraps called “When September Ends”

“Filled to the brim with softness and subtlety, here is a kit for all occasions. It comes with 64 whimsical elements and 12 papers, 2 of which will make great “scene pages” because they are laid out to look like rooms with checkered floors.”

I looked through the gallery and found this lovely page made using Erin’s kit:

Next, we have a fun little kit by Statements by Jodi called “It’s Potty Time”. I don’t think I’ve seen a kit all about potty training until now, and it’s the perfect kit to scrap those could be embarrasing pre-wedding photo’s of your little ones or even to make some lovely hybrid potty charts!

“This kit includes 18 papers, 70 elements, 73 stickers, A FULL alpha, and a printable 8×11 sticker chart that you can print out and use during your child’s potty training! 4 different candy rewards, 2 rolls of toilet paper, a 5×7 sticker chart for your LO’s, 2 potty chairs, 1 staple, 4 boys and 4 girls (blond, brunette, red head and black hair), 4 frames, 2 journal blocks, 2 step stools, 1 toilet, 1 sink, 5 flowers, 10 buttons, 6 pair of girl underwear and 5 pair of boy underwear, and 5 book plates.”

Those are some great kits! Click the kit images to be taken to the shop and head over to the gallery to leave love by clicking on the layouts.

Now, guess what! I have a couple more CT introductions for you. So far we’ve met Laura, Julie, Rachel, March, Becka, Barbara, Stephanie, Jodi and myself. Today meet:

GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady

GingerSnap and GingerBread Lady





Happy Scrapping everyone!
