Geek Chic!!

This week you will get the chance to learn a little about each of the new GingerBread Ladies!!

They have AMAZING things in store for you all week long!!!

Todays feature is Tara of GeekChic Scraps

Here is a little intro….. from Tara- check out what she has in store for you today! 🙂

Here is my Bio for you lovely Gingery peeps-
Tara is a SAHM to one wee Geeklet, Kat- and wife to a very nerdy husband, Tim. Originally from West Virginia, she’s a reluctant Michigan transplant- who will obviously do anything for love (or meatloaf) including live in the middle of a frozen state. Tara has been dabbling at designing since May of 2009, and was dragged kicking and screaming out of the designer closet by her friends in October of 2009, at which point she started doing it seriously. Tara is truly a real life Geek- she met her husband playing Everquest 2, has a standing date with her Dungeons and Dragons group every other week, and takes great pride in being as weird as she wants to be. Geek Chic (actually pronounced Sheek) is actually a term coined to define geeks and nerds that were actually cool, or things that were cool in the geek world- a perfect design name for this Soopa Geek.   Tara

Today ONLY you can get my A Geek for Every Season kit before it hits stores for free!

Go check out Tara in the forum and get your freebie!

Oh and as another special treat (because I *wub* my GS peeps) All my kits in the store are 50% off today only!

Oh, one more thing, Monica is hosting a Speed Scrap today 8 PM ET, 7 PM CT, 6 PM MT, 5 PM PT~

Your prize will be a lovely set of frames! How pretty.

See you there!

Scrap Happy!