The Dish

Well are you ladies ready to Dish it up?  I know I am.  This will be a joint effort by myself, and Tabby from Scrapberry Designs.  I guess I should introduce myself also.  I am Teri from Teri’s Thing-O-My-Jigs.  So each week we will be answering your questions that are posted in our forum  here.  This should be fun and feel free to ask away.  We will do our best to dish it up to you on a silver platter! Each week we will answer a few of the questions asked and will try to cover all of them if time permits.

Pretty in Green writes:  how do you convert a non-scraper in to a scraper or a digi-scraper at that?

Pretty, I would say the best way to convert a non-scraper into a scrapper is to share your passion with them.  Show them some of the things that you have created.  Let them see the immediate gratification that you get when you take a photo and make it a memory.  Introduce them to sites, Gingerscrap’s should be on the top of your list, to let them get familiar with the variety of kits out there.  Hook them up in the forum so they feel like they have a source and a place to ask questions.  Digi-Scrapping is like Lay’s potato chips, no one can scrap just one!  Hope that will encourage you to go out and share you passion with your friends and family.  They will be glad you did.

Julie writes: I have a question…What are you giving your hubby for Fathers Day?

A few weeks ago, I was in San Antonio and watching the local morning show and they had an author on there, doing a promotion on a book he had written called “The Fourth Fisherman”  by Joe Kissack.  I was very intrigued with what he had to say and put in in the back of my mind to get for my hubby and for my dad too.  I tried to find it at Barnes and Noble and also at our local Christian Book Store, but I think as of now, its only available through the website.  If you are intersted, you can check it out here.   Here is what they say others are saying about this book:

What people are saying about the book:

“People of faith, myself included, often put limitations on it. But, as you’ll read here, real freedom comes when we finally surrender to the mystery of God and what He is doing. Thank you Joe for being so honest and real. I loved it!”
–Jeff Foxworthy, Standup Comedian, Best Selling Author, and TV Personality
“We love this message. Joe weaves together two stories with the same central theme, ‘being lost and adrift’ and how one thing–faith in God–provided each of the Four Fishermen the courage and comfort to face the next day and its uncertainties, and ultimately lead them safely to shore. These are the stories that we hold tight in our memories–
when days seem so uncertain and doubts scream at us that we’ll never find the shore.”
–Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn, Best Selling Authors, For Women Only, For Men Only
“Joe is an ordinary guy that has been given an extraordinary story. He answered a call that few will ever get a chance to say yes to, let alone hear. I wish it could have been me.”
–Steve Bartkowski, NFL Football Legend, Outdoorsman,  Motivational Speaker
“You won’t be able to put this book down. It is more than the true story of three courageous fishermen and one brave author. Believe it or not, hidden within their inspiring stories, is your story. It is the belief that life is bigger than we think. It is the hope of wanting our lives to have purpose. It’s all there. If you’re looking to find that hope, a common purpose and a reason to still believe, you’ve come to the right place. But be warned. The journey begins when you board this boat…”
–Jeff Henderson, Pastor, Northpoint Ministries, Buckhead Church

Sounds interesting huh?  I am hoping that my men will like it.
Last one for this week was asked by Barbara.  She writes: What do you consider to be a good day?”

As a 16 year breast cancer survivor, ( I was 36 when diagnosed ) any day is a good day to me!  I am blessed to be alive and try to live each to the fullest.  While I am not always successful, it is a goal of mine.  I did learn some valuable life lessons while facing the possibility of dying from cancer.  I had a wonderful role model as my own mother fought the battle herself until she could no longer fight and she died when she was 47.  But, as a testimony to the Lord, she would say that ” if that’s what it took for her to know the Lord, she would go through it all again.”  So while I won my battle, It did teach me to enjoy each day, and not to get all wrapped up in things that don’t have eternal value.  I hope that this will make us all take a look at what is a good day and choose to enjoy this one!  I had a girl friend who used to say to me, This is the day that the Lord has made,  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I still say this to myself quite often!  Remember its a choice!

Until next time… Create, Inspire and Share!


  1. Teri I loved reading what you had to say in response to these questions. I’m both inspired and intrigued! I totally agree with living each day to the fulling and rejoicing in the blessing of it. I’m going to check out that book too. It may be something my DH would enjoy. Thanks for the great post!

  2. Loving “the dish”!! Cant wait to see next weeks!! 🙂

  3. Loving this! I loved your responses to the questions. The dish is going to be great!

  4. What a great way to start off the “Dish.” Teri always lifts me up with her words of encouragement and positive attitude. Thanks for the great post, Teri!

  5. Love it Teri! Great job on your first post! This is going to be a fun category!!