Baskets of Blessings!  Well I just got out of church and can I say.. This is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!  This has been a great week for me, I was blessed to spend a few days at our house in the Texas Hill Country with a girlfriend and we just talked and talked till our ears hurt!  Chilled on the Frio River and just caught up on girl talk.   Aren’t those kind of friends great.  Oh but I was in constant communication with my digi BFF Tabby!  Can I also put in a plug for our Book Club here at GS?  Its just a fun way to chat about what we are reading and I am so loving my ereader that I can’t stand it.  So nothing better for me than relaxing and reading in bed.  Oh and for any of you who know that I started jogging about 3 months ago, I am still a “joggernut” and am up to running for 3 sets of 18 min with a 1 min walk in between.  And I hit the big -30 lbs!  Whoot!  I am going to try to find a zumba class close and check that out and even a yoga class.  I guess when you are my age, you got some time to do those things and now I want to experience some other modes of exercise.  So this week I didn’t see any new questions so I just thought I would share a favorite reciepe with you chikaroos!  Hope you enjoy it and it makes quite a bit so great for covered dishes at church or family reunions.

Oriental Salad

Amount  Measure       Ingredient — Preparation Method
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1               head  cabbage — chopped

1              bunch  green onion — chopped

2             packages  Raman Noodles — chicken flavor (*** for my low carb I do 1 pkg.)
1            small pkg  almonds — sliced
1/4        cup  sunflower seeds

1                cup  oil
1/4           cup  sugar
1/4           cup  red wine vinegar
2               tablespoons  soy sauce

First, take a mallet and break up the noodles before you open the packages.  If they are not broken up, they will not break up after you have sauted them.  Saute the two packages of noodles with the almonds in a small amount of oil.  When brown, remove from stove.  Add this to the sliced cabbage.  Pour the seasoning from one package of noodles over the salad.  Add 1 bunch of green onions to the salad.  Make dressing and pour over cabbage.  Enjoy!

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Per Serving (excluding unknown items): 268 Calories; 26g Fat (83.5% calories from fat); 3g Protein; 8g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 0mg Cholesterol; 174mg Sodium.  Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 5 Fat; 1/2 Other Carbohydrates.

NOTES : This makes quite alot of salad and would be great for large gatherings.  It also last for at least one week.