Challenge Spotlight – Bakery Window

Ack did I really miss a week? Now I’m sad, that’s the first time I’ve missed since I started the challenge spotlight. Are you wondering why? probably not, but I’ll tell you anyway. 🙂 I was super busy redoing an entire database for my Dad’s Home Property Management business. His old program hit it’s date limit at the beginning of the year and so we were scrambling to hurry and get a new one. It was nuts! Anyway I’m back with more challenge goodness, but first!!! I have a prize to give!

The winner from last week is. . . . . mom2triplets04! Here’s her Week 1 LO! Here’s what she won!

Okay! So onto this weeks Challenge Spotlight! The Bakery Window! The Bakery Window is our inspiration challenge. For Jan. Photocowgirl hosted our Bakery Window.  She would like to inspire your journaling. Here’s what she has to say:

Photocowgirl is here to bring you the January 15 Inspiration challenge. I love to use song lyrics on my layouts, so this month we are going to scrap a page using at least one line from a song.

Here’s the summary:
1. Pick at least one line from a song to use for your inspiration.
2. Scrap a page using your lyrics.
3. Upload to the inspiration challenge gallery – make sure to add your song choice and artist to the credits

Sounds like a great way to find just the right thing to say. Need MORE inspiration? Here’s some LOs from our Gingersnaps.

by Photocowgirl

by ~Aim~

by rdjrneace

Aww super cute! Go ahead and be inspired! Go to the Bakery Window Challenge then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).

CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!


  1. What a great spotlight! As always I love the example layouts.
    That “little man” sure is cute 😉

    I hope your dad got his new database all set up. That is so nice of you to do that for him!

  2. This was such a fun challenge, I’m really happy with my LO…

    Thanks for a chance to win some goodies!

  3. Love the prize!! Super cute 🙂