August Daily Download #26

Hi there!  Happy Friday!!!!

First off – if you are on the East Coast of the US – stay safe in the wake of Hurricane Irene this weekend.  Here in NH it isn’t scheduled to hit until early Sunday morning… but we are already getting prepared – just in case.  I’d be really happy if somewhere soon it just took a bit turn to the right and went out into the ocean.  🙂  We’ll see!

Did you see all the new releases this week?  There are some amazing kits that our designers have put out!  There’s something for everyone I think!  Remember they are only on sale until Sunday and then they go up to regular price.  🙂

Okay – so we are getting to the end of this kit.  I know you all have loved this one but… Can’t wait to see what’s in store for next month.  Here’s day #26:

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August Daily Download FreebieHave a fabulous day!


  1. Thank you very much! Hope you all have a good weekend and that hurricane goes and blows out at sea! Stay safe! xxx

  2. Thank you

  3. This is a really fun kit! Thank you so much for all of the daily pieces!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing another part!! LOVIN it!:)

  5. Thanks very much!!

  6. thanks for day 26 and be safe

  7. Thank you!

  8. Thank you and I’ve got my fingers crossed that Irene wanders off for a dip in the ocean!

  9. Jennifer K says

    Yes, everyone in the supposed path of the storm….stay safe! I hope it doesn’t take the path as predicted and moves off to sea!

    Thanks again for this great kit!

  10. crinkletoast says
