Daily Download #15

Are we ready for a new week?

I am!  Hope to be moving a few things into a new work space tomorrow.  As long as everything goes as planned – I will be a ‘real’ professional with my very own office to work in.  🙂  I’m so excited.

So… hope have an easy week ahead.  I always try to start Mondays off in a positive, fresh note – its a new week to do better than last week.  🙂

Okay – enough of my goofy cheeriness.  Onto day #15 of this super juicy kit from Kathy Winters.

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August Daily Download FreebieHave a great day!


  1. Thank you 🙂

  2. Thank you! And great new look!

  3. Thanks so much! Your new design looks GREAT! Glad that your server move went smoothly.

  4. Thank you!

  5. Thank you so much for sharing!!:)

  6. crinkletoast says


  7. Thank you ♥♥♥