September Daily Download #16

Hi there!  Happy Friday!!!

I have a few things to share with you today.  First of all – there’s a speed scrap today!!!

Next up – I just heard about an amazing party going on over at the Unforgettable Moments blog.  I heard there are going to be lots of freebies and fun too!  🙂

One other thing – don’t forget about all the Fresh Baked Goodies that are on sale this weekend!

And now… here’s day #16 of this month’s download:

*Link has Expired*

Have a great day!!!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing another part to this COOL kit.:)

  2. thank you

  3. Pretty! Thank you!

  4. Thank you!

  5. thank you!!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks again!

  7. merci pour le cadeau 🙂

  8. This kit is just so pretty. Thank you for sharing it. Have a great weekend.