November Daily Download #21 / #22 / #23

Yikes!  Where did the days go?  I can’t believe its almost the end of November already.  I have been crazy busy with the excitement of Thanksgiving!  I don’t know about y’all – but its by far my favorite holiday!  I love the food, family, and of course – football!  🙂  I apologize for missing a few days – I really thought I had everything scheduled through the end of the month. :/

Anyhow – are you getting excited for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday?  A whole weekend of shopping!!!!  I’m so out of the shopping loop – I don’t even know what the ‘hot’ items are for this year.  I know that I want a Kindle Fire but that’s about it.  🙂

I do know there are some good deals going to be happening at GingerScraps!  So if you aren’t out shopping at brick and mortar stores – we’d love to have you shop around our place!  🙂  Be on the lookout Friday morning for the newsletter and/or blog post with all the big deals!  🙂


Okay… no more waiting… here’s your downloads:

Day #21

Day #22  |  Day #23

Have a fabulous day!!!!  I’m off to do some baking!  🙂


  1. Thank you very much.

  2. Thanks very much for Days 21, 22 & 23!

  3. Thank you so much!

  4. Thank you for the catch-up and hope you have a great holiday!!

  5. THANK you so much!

  6. Thanks so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. boop52245aka Betty says

    Thanks for these three days and hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family

  8. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy all your family festivities 🙂
    Thanks for the downloads now go shop till you drop!!

  9. Thank you for days 20-23. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  10. Thanks 🙂

  11. Whoops completely missed these. Thanks anyway. 🙂

  12. Links to Day 22 & 23 are broken!
