Challenge Spotlight – Color Challenge


I’m Back!!! Did you know I was gone? Well I wasn’t really gone I just haven’t had a challenge spotlight since MAY yikes. However new year and as always fun new stuff going on at Gingerscraps Including new challenges! with all the new challenges and all the amazing new Layouts that result from them, how could I NOT come back and spotlight?


Okay so I know January is almost over so you may not have time to get in and try for yourself, but I’d still like to show you PixelsByJen’s fantastic color challnge for January.

Here’s her challenge:

GingerScraps Designers have an awesome Buffet out this month that has inspired this challenge. For this month I would like for us to scrap a page using ONLY black and white and grey….your photo needs to be black and white too. No additional colors, sorry.

In case you didn’t know the fantastic Buffet she is talking about is  Colors of my Life An amazing collection of kits that use black grayte with a splash of color, however for Jen’s challenge she wants just the black and white and what’s in between. Some have used paper and elements from this fabulous buffet, but others have used other kits or got clever and simply desaturated colored elements to make them grey. Brilliant! Here’s a few of my favs.

When everything is black and white it can be difficult to get your focus on the black and white picture. See how Marieh double frames and then clustered around her photo to draw attention to it? Brilliant!

by marieh

 Check out those paper strips with the ribbon and ellies, even with very limited colors (or lack there of) jrmminga used contrast and texture to give plenty of dimention to this LO. Oh so elegant!

by jrmminga

This is lovely in it’s simplicity. And I’m not just saying that because anita used my kit. . . although it helps. 😉 Because of the high texture of the background there is no need to over do it. The plain black shapes works with the border and the few elements add an excellent elegant touch.

by anitaw

 Do you see how that wave just pulls you in!  It’s placement is ideal, the tiny elements perfect, the word art. . well I can’t read it, but from her title I’m guessing it says being fabulous is hard work, but somebody’s got to do. Which is clearly fabulous in itself!

by goldy_69

I could go on forever! for for the sake of time why don’t you go check out the color challenge gallery yourself and find your own favorites, I guarantee, like me you will have a touch time picking!!

So if you’ve been afraid of black and white in the past I hope this helps you get over it. There’s so much you can say even without color! I love it! Thanks Jen for the wonderful challenge!