Archives for April 15, 2012

April Daily Download #15

Weekly Wrap-up – April 15th

Hiya! Sarah here again! How ya doin’? Hopefully everyone in the Midwest made it through the storms safely. If you did, make sure you let the forum know! We really do care about our members and want to make sure everyone is safe!!

Speaking about our members, I have some big news that will have a small impact on your life, if you’re part of the forum: Ginger has promoted two members to managers! :O Yes, I’m that Sarah :O No, I wasn’t surprised. I’d picked up some extra duties when I took on the role of Ad Team lead, but wow. Now I have a truly vested interest in the store, the forum, the blog.

So, newsletters and the big written stuff? That’s going to be done by me. Oh yeah, you’re truly stuck with me now. 

Now onto some other news.

Oh yes, sadly, our normal Friday night speed scrap had to be cancelled. 🙁 Terra, from all of us here at GingerScraps, we hope for a speedy and safe recovery for your mom. Remember that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!  

Pretty in Green also posted a freebie on her blog! Did you see it?

JillW gave us an update that we all already knew, but we love to hear anyways: GingerScraps rocks!! I’ve been with GS almost since Day #1, and wow. It’s like family 😀

It’s been a bit of a quiet week. Well, on the surface. Trust me, there’s more going on behind the scenes (did I mention I finally get to see it all too :D). More information, I promise, on some BIG stuff is coming soon!!

Bye for now!! See ya next week!! Or maybe sooner 😉