Weekly Wrap-Up: April 22, 2012

Well, goodness! It’s the end of the weekend already! Where did it go? This is starting to not be fair! Weekends need to be longer. Who’s with me? I demand longer weekends!!

Okay, I’m only sort of serious. I’m a stay-at-home-parent, so I don’t even get weekends, LOL, unless you count the times the kids are at school. Then, though, I’m doing all my adminly duties for Gingerscraps 😀

So, how’s your weekend been so far? How about your April? 2012, thus far?

Well, let’s jump into the stuff:

Trina got a new puppy 😀

Isn’t it so cute?

What would you suggest to a beginning digi-scrapper, minus having an editing program? There are some really good suggestions, but it never hurts to hear some more!

April is demanding, and yes, I mean demanding, to be interviewed. She interviews all our amazing designers and members, so now she’s gonna find out what it’s like. Go ask!!

Did you make it to last night’s speed scrap? If so, you might have noticed that the Gingerbread Man came out to play! I don’t know what goodies he shared, but maybe someone will share 😀

Once again, it’s been a bit of a quiet week. It’ll hopefully pick up soon! If not, that’s okay. We’re happy with our current activity level, but we’re always open to more!!

See ya next week with more goodies and news!