Challenge Spotlight – Brush Challenge

Howdy, scrappy ladies! Hope y’all are having a great week; how is it that it’s nearly the middle of August already? Wasn’t July just starting, now we’re getting ready for back to school? Sheesh! Now, I will be the first to admit I’m not a big fan of brushes, but this week I am spotlighting the brush challenge hosted by Wendy of Wendy Tunison Designs because the brushes Wendy chose for us to work with are just so darn cute! I’m also not a big doodly gal, but these are just awesome; take a look:

These are a little retro, a little modern and a lot rad!  I’m a sucker for anything with a globe, so I loved these right away. If you’re like me and not a big brush user, take a look at some of the layouts the ladies in the forum have created for inspiration. They definitely got me wanting to use these asap!

By Lisa

By Victoria32

By pamr

Loving these pages, ladies! These brushes are the perfect mod accent that don’t overtake the kit or distract from the layout itself! Gorgeous! Now it’s your turn. If you’re not big into doodles or brushes, I think this is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself with a…challenge! 😉

If you haven’t started keeping track of all your completed challenges for August, there’s no time like the present! Head over to the August 2013 Tracking Thread and start your post so you can get yourself a sweet little reward at the end of the month. 🙂 Questions about this or any of our monthly challenges? Drop your query in the cookie jar and someone will get back to you as soon as possible–don’t be shy! 🙂

That’s it for today’s blog! Y’all have a wonderfully scrappy week! 🙂