November Feature Designer: Blue Heart Scraps!

feature designer

Happy Saturday everyone! It’s been a while since we met and I’m happy to bring to you November’s Feature Designer, JoyLynn of Blue Heart Scraps.

I may be a bit bias because I’ve been a part of JoyLynn’s team in the past, but she is totally rad. One thing I love about Blue Heart Scraps is the ‘paper’ style to her designing. It one of my favorite ways to scrap, but enough about me and what I like, let’s talk about JoyLynn!

What is your design process?

It varies from kit to kit. Most times, I start with a general idea of what theme I want to go with and then try to find colors and create elements that fit my idea of that theme. Other times, I run across colors or pictures (either online or in real life) that I just can’t stop loving on, and try to build something from them.

What do you use to create your designs?

Photoshop CS 5, Adobe Illustrator (though no where near as much as I wish I could!), my Wacom Tablet, and every once in a while, I’ll remember that I have a copy of ArtRage I can open up. 😉

Describe your work space

Messy, it’s horribly disorganized!  So, lately I’ve been taking over the living room recliner and side table (to hold my mouse and tablet), until my husband gets his portion of the computer desk figured out.

What motivates you as a designer?

Seeing the beautiful pages created with my products and knowing that I had a hand in helping someone create a lasting memory.

While it’s always fun to hear about designers designing, it’s more fun to hear about the fun tidbits totally unrelated to designing! With that said,

What is the last book you read?

Last book completed was Emma’s Secret by Steena Holmes. Currently reading Fallen by Lauren Kate.

Tea or Coffee?

Tea, please…especially if you’re making a Starbucks run. Then I’ll have a venti, soy, no water chai with an extra pump of chai, please. Yum!

Can’t say I agree with JL on the chai bit (though I know MANY who LOVE chai!) but I totally love tea, just give me a strong black with a splash of milk and I am one happy scrapper.

Do you craft outside of the digital world?

I can cut and paste some crafts with my kids…does that count? 😉

Totally counts.

Any hobbies in addition to designing?

Reading, catching up on older seasons of TV shows (I’m currently flying through Glee. It’s really not that bad if you fast forward through most of the singing, LOL) and video games…because sometimes, I just need to lose myself in something mind-numbing.

I definitely know reading is a hobby, especially since you are one of the fearless leaders of the GingerScraps book club. I love to read too, but haven’t given myself the time to do so in too long, sadly.

Show us YOU in one shot!

My youngest child is a snuggler…so most nights you’ll find me just like this;

How do you feed your sweet tooth?

Lately, it’s been this yummy goodness!

(and because I was forced to take that picture, I totally had to eat one now, LOL)

Seems like as good of an excuse as any!

What is the most used app on your phone?

Besides Facebook? Probably Plants Vs. Zombies 2…but I blame it all on my boys (which is a lie, I barely let them play it on my phone, and when they do it has to be on their own name…not letting them get ahead of me on MY game, LOL)

What is your *favorite* kit that you’ve designed?

Let’s Get Reel! My family and I are HUGE movie fans. Because our boys are young, we don’t always get to the theatre as often as we like…but family movie/tv nights happen quite often around here!

What is your favorite thing about

The atmosphere. Everyone is so sweet and friendly and supportive. It’s one of the nicest places I’ve been a part of online.

Truth! It really is a very friendly, supportive place! We’ve got a great group of people and new scrappers (AND designers) regularly join us here, growing our community.

Last but not least, with Thanksgiving coming this week everyone is focusing on what they are thankful for, so it is only right that I ask you, what are YOU most thankful for?

What am I most thankful for? The chance to be ME. I have an incredible family who love me regardless (even though I disappoint them often), two of the most precious boys the world has ever been blessed with (who have taught me more about compassion and acceptance and unconditional love than I have EVER thought possible), lifelong friends who make me laugh so hard I cry and then cry until I laugh (and have offered such a selfless dose of support and understanding this past year). Life isn’t always easy and happy and filled with sunshine and rainbows and unicorns who poop lollipops – but I am so ridiculously blessed!

I love your honesty and colourful descriptions, and I have to agree with you; life isn’t always sunshine and lollipops but the people that support and love us truly are a blessing and help us through!

Thank you JoyLynn, for letting us get to know you (as a designer AND as a wife, mother and just your regular rad chick).  Make sure you follow her on Facebook for up to date news, fun and freebies! Also, check out Blue Heart Scraps blog if you don’t have Facebook, or even if you do because you never know what kind of goodness she’ll have to share with you!

Because JoyLynn is our rockin’ Feature Designer for the month of November, she’s supplied us with some rockin’ coupons.

Check out all her awesome designers, RIGHT HERE! Coupons expire on November 30th (good through the day) so definitely take advantage! One time use per customer per coupon, use one or use them all but don’t let them waste away. 🙂

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to know what YOU’RE thankful for!

So please, leave a comment below letting me know what it is that fills you with gratitude and be entered into a random drawing for YOUR CHOICE* of a Blue Heart Scraps kit  (*no bundles or collabs.) ! Comments will close on November 30th and a winner will be contacted 5PM CST November 30th(so make sure to include your email!)!

Me? I’m thankful for a community of scrappers that has given me best friends, inspirations and opened my eyes to a whole new way to get creative!





  1. Thank you for this fantastic interview! I am SO thankful that my family is together and healthy.

  2. Great interview!  I am most thankful for my amazing family!!

  3. I am thankful that my daughter got through her emergency delivery of my new granddaughter yesterday. They are both home now and doing well.

  4. Today I am most thankful for the technology that allows me to hear from and see through pictures my son who is on the other side of the world.  🙂

  5. I’m so thankful for having my parents-in-law staying for a couple of months they live in Hungary, and we live in Australia, so my two year old son hasn’t seen them for over a year. I’m so grateful that they are hear, he gets lots of bonding time with them, and I get to do some big jobs I couldn’t tackle while looking after him myself.

  6. So thankful for my family. They are such a blessing to me! 

    Thanks for the chance to win and I’m glad to get to ‘know’ JoyLynn better! 

  7. Very thankful for my husband and son and for Sunday morning cappuccinos!

  8. I am thankful for my wonderful family and that I am so fortunate to live in this amazing place and the nice people that live here.

  9. My family- my mother is now having some special problems that we are dealing with and that is when a person realizes just how special life is and to not take it for granted. Enjoy those love ones while we can.

  10. My scrappy hobby! It let’s me be creative and is something I really enjoy being able to do, when I’m bored or feeling artsy, or have great pictures I want to share.

  11. I see that this is a general theme in the comments above; my family, but isn’t that why we are scrappers, memory preservers and story tellers.  My husband and son, and now daughter in-law, are the greatest.  They support and encourage me when I meet a challenge, cheer me up when I am sad and above make me laugh and enjoy life.

  12. Kim Goodman says

    I am thankful for my husband who knew that life would not be a piece of cake with me health wise and was willing to stay. He works over 80 hours a week on the job then comes home and does the housework, cooking and shopping and did I mention that he is 63 years old to my 46. It should be the other way around. We also have a seven year old boy who helps his mommy when she is having problems walking or remembering things. So for me I am blessed to have the people who are my family and those that maybe just online friends to lend an ear. With all that I am so BLESSED. 

  13. I am thankful for my wonderful grandchildren!!!

  14. I have a lot to be thankful for, but as I get older, I realize more and more that I am most thankful for my health. You can have money, you can have faith, you can have your family, you can have friends, you can even have your one true love…but without your health, you can’t enjoy any of it. I’m thankful I am relatively healthy and am taking daily steps to ensure it lasts.


  1. […] on over to the Ginger Scraps Blog post for the interview. And you can get three fantastic coupons to use at her […]