DD: July 26

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.


  1. Thanks so much for today’s piece! : )

  2. Thank you for posting link to V Have caught up with it Hugs Nellie 

  3. craftycathy says

    Thank you for doing all of this for us, as busy as you’ve been! Hope you enjoyed the time with your parents, and can get a little R&R this week.

  4. Thank you so much! It is very kind of you to include the links for those who might have missed some of the integral parts to the alpha…doing a happy dance for them!

  5. Hope next week is so much better! We love all you do! Thanks!

  6. No worries – these lovely downloads are much appreciated and we all know what a commitment it must be each day to keep them ticking over. Huge thanks to you for all you do and of course many thanks as always to the lovely designers.

  7. Just wanted to give you a shout out Sarah 🙂 thank you for getting this up for everyone.
    This daily download is sooooo cute! I hope you all are loving it 🙂 
    <3 Ginger 

  8. crystalnva says

    Awesome collection with many great uses to come THANK YOU ;~} bunches…

  9. Ty so much…I love this download and didn’t want to miss a piece…esp. the “V”. I hope your week gets better and that you get the rest you need. TY again for this awesome kit!

  10. Thanks for the links. If the kit wasn’t so gorgeous, we wouldn’t be so anxious. 🙂


  1. […] DD: July 26 – 10 freebie(s) […]