Challenge Spotlight October 7th 2014

Happy Tuesday! Have you seen all the new challenges posted for this month? Have you started your tracking thread for October yet? Check out this month’s challenge reward:

Getting the reward is simple. Just scrap 10 challenge layouts by the end of the month and keep track of them. Then you will receive this awesome kit! The kits change every month so make sure you participate in the challenges to grab the free kits!

This week’s spotlight is on a challenge I like to call bonus challenges since you get a great freebie to use for it. Melissa of Lissykay Designs hosted the Mini Kit Challenge and made a great free mini to use for it.

So all you have to do for this challenge is use this awesome mini in a layout and post it to the thread. Check out some of the LOs that have been posted by our members so far!


Who Loves 'ya Baby



Each layout is linked so feel free to leave them some love! Have a great week!


  1. Kiki McAdam/mcgaelicgal says

    What a cute kit, and great reward!  🙂  Ditto the mini, as well!  😉