November Feature Designers – Kathryn Estry Designs and Blue Heart Scraps


Happy Thanksgiving everyone (for those in the US anyway) and Happy Thursday to everyone else. I hope you have all had a blessed day.

November’s Feature Designers are Kathryn Estry Designs and Blue Heart Scraps. I had a chance to catch up with Kathryn and ask her a few questions. She gave me some fabulous answers and some great photos that I can’t wait to share with you.

What is your design process?

I design in collections ~ kits with lots of matching packs. This way a scrapper can easily make a whole book from the collection that all coordinates if they choose to. I start with a color palette and a theme and then decide on the style I think would work the best for that collection. I create elements and papers that will fit in nicely and give scrappers a lot of pieces that work well together.

What do you use to create your designs (program, addition tools, etc.)?

I use PSE 5.0 for the most part only going into PS now and then. I have a lot of actions and filters, and I like to draw freehand on paper first and then copy my designs using my mouse and the tools in PSE.

Describe your design workplace.

I’ll show it to you. I designed this room when we moved from Houston to Fort Worth two years ago. I’ve always wanted a special place that was just mine and that I could decorate however I wanted. This room is me all over! One of my favorite kits, Studio Kathryn, was inspired by my home office.

My-Home-StudioStudioKathrynBundle2 StudioKathrynBundle1

What is your favorite thing about designing?

I love creating, and that’s exactly what designing is. Watching a kit come together and finishing the previews is so fun! Then seeing your layouts with my designs is the icing on the cake!

What is your favorite or “go-to” color palette?

Happy colors. I’ve used the colors in my Studio Kathryn kit often because I like them so much ~ pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and greens.

What is your favorite treat to have close while designing?

Lime water and gum. I have other favorites, but I’m trying to be good. 🙂

Do you have a job outside of designing? If so, what do you do (if you don’t mind sharing)?

My main job these days is being a Nana to my 5 sweet grandkids! I retired from teaching a couple of years ago, and I’m just loving the grandma scene!

Please share a photo of yourself, can be silly or serious but a photo that shows us who YOU are.

I chose this Christmas picture from last year because it includes my sweet husband, Robert, and my daughter, Brandi, and her family and it’s taken at our church. Baby Lucy wasn’t born yet, and I don’t have my son, Tommy, and his family in the photo, so I’m sneaking in a photo of his family, and one of Lucy, too. These photos together show you who I am. My family is everything to me!

Christmas-2013Lucy  Tommy

What is your *favorite* kit you’ve designed (that is currently in the store), and why is it your favorite?

I have so many favorites, but I especially love Autumn Dance. You’ll notice some of the same colors as in my home studio except they’re much bolder here. I love the big flowers, too. It’s definitely a happy kit!


What is your favorite thing about

The people! The community is so much fun, and the staff is always so friendly and helpful. I also love that the site is organized so well and that there’s so much going on.

What is the current ringtone on your phone?

Funny question. We actually bought new cell phones yesterday, and I was playing with the ringtones last night for calls, texts, and my alarm clock. I ended up with Meadow Sunrise for my ringtone. It sort of sounds like a Scottish dance, loud enough, but it doesn’t make me jump out of my chair.

If you were deserted on an island (with all water/food provided), what three things would you want to have with you?

Things, not people… Hmmmm… My Bible, my computer, and a great big game book filled with all sorts of different games and puzzles. I hope my deserted island is close enough to a cell tower so I can Skype!

If you could spend the day with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?

It would be my parents. They died almost 20 years ago now, and I miss them so. We were very close, and I’d love to have them meet Robert and see my kids all grown up with babies of their own. They adored both Tommy and Brandi, and the kids enjoyed visiting with them so much. Both of my parents and both of my kids left me in the dirt with their high level intellectual conversations. I was happy just to listen. If they were to come back for a day though, I’d talk non-stop, and my cheeks would hurt from smiling so much. This photo is on my studio wall above my computer. Recognize the frame? I’ve used it in several of my kits in different colors.


What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

It would have to be Christian hymns and beautiful octavos I’ve learned in choir mixed with songs from my favorite musicals.

What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Man. This is showing my age! Again, Christian music ~ or something from Les Mis.

Any special message to our members?

Yes. Thank you! Thank you for your support of my design habit! Thank you for enjoying my designs ~ what a rush for me! Thank you for your online friendship!

Thanks so much to Kathryn for answering all my questions and providing us insight on her life. Make sure to check out her GS Store, her FB page and her blog.


Our other Feature Designer is JoyLynn from Blue Heart Scraps. Although I didn’t get a chance to check up with her, make sure to check out her store, FB Page and blog as well.

Love to you all!!!
