Creative Style: White Space


Good morning Scrappers! For those who celebrated Thanksgiving, have you recovered? Are you all ready for what comes next?!You know what…It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Next month for the inspiration side of the blog, we are going to be doing all things Christmas! Fonts, apps, supplies and more. I cannot wait!

Today though, we are going to be looking at the creative style of things. Scrapping white space layouts. I will go ahead and tell you that this is not my forte. I am all about messy, clustery, and filling up my pages. I appreciate what white space layouts are though & love to see them in the galleries. I am in awe of beautifully done white space layouts.

So, what is white space?

White space on scrapbook pages is not always white. It can be any color –it can even be patterned paper. The term white space refers to an area devoid of photos, embellishments, journaling, and title.

White space provides a resting point for the eye and breathing room for the viewer taking in your photos and journaling. White space has a shape that can be active or passive – Get it Scrapped 


Here are some beautiful examples of white space scrapping:







All these great layouts are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. Make sure you run over & leave them some love. As you can see, white space layouts are not layouts that are lacking!! They all have used their elements and paper to draw your eye to the photo. After all, this is about passing down memories. You can have patterned papers, fun paints, layered papers, and cute elements all on your page!

White space layouts stand out in the galleries against the big photos, layers and layers of papers, and lots of elements. Not to say one is better than the other! We are all different and we all scrap different. This is jut one of those ways. If you think that white space layouts is something you want to try, you know that GingerScraps has the supplies you need. Of course you can make a whitespace layout with any digital scrapbooking kit. Here are a few examples though of items in the store geared a little more to it.








