GingerBread Girls Inspiration| Dana aka: Scrappingirl


Can you guys believe that we are in November already?! I say it every year; but, this year has just flown by! Where did 2015 get to? While I am trying to wrap my mind around that, let us get some inspiration from one of GingerScraps’ creative team members. If you didn’t know, they have the fun name of being a “GingerBread Girl”. Today we are going to get some inspiration from Dana aka: scrapingirl



The first thing I notice with Dana’s lovely scrapbook pages is she really knows how to use the papers that come in a kit (be it solid or pattern) and use them! Sometimes you run across just one or two papers layered and that is it. Which is fine! Scrap what is you. Dana really uses papers to compliment her pages & photos.

I like that she scraps the everyday, like band aids and cuddles. She is never lacking in super cute photos and her clustering is spot on! Not to mention her titles (which I struggle with!) are great! I really like the “Piles of Handsome” title. Some great inspiration to be had here! Don’t just take my word for it. All these images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. You can also check out her full gallery HERE! I hope you got some ideas and  inspiration from Dana aka: scrapingirl
