June Featured Designer – JB Studio

Happy June everyone. Dropping in here to share my interview with Dani of JB Studio. Make sure to read all the way to the very end for some exciting news from Dani.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I started as a paper scrapper and I admit I didn’t like the idea of going digital. After some friends in a Brazilian scrap community convincing me, I decided to give it a try and never went back.

What made you decide to design?

I’m always looking for new challenges. I love learning new things. Some friends said they believed I would be a good designer and guided me. I started creating a few freebies.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop, Illustrator and a small wacom for drawings.

Describe your design workplace.

I have a cluttered desk. I just can’t creative in an empty space. LOL I have lots of papers and colored pencils and pens because I like writing, drawing and painting. Besides that, there’s my desktop computer, a printer and some decorative stuff. I always have a glass of coke or water on the desk, too.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

It’s a hard question. I’m not sure if I have a favorite thing. I love planning, I love creating, I love connecting with my audience and staff. What I love the most is the fact that I work from home and am my own boss. LOL

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

My favorite is usually the newest. This time it’s Denim & Glitter Collection. It’s so girly!

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

I learned to live in the moment, so if I’m sad or depressed, I embrace it. I allow myself to feel everything I’m supposed to feel, I don’t resist it. I like journaling, for me it’s the way I reflect about what I’m feeling. It usually helps understand and overcome that moment.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

I guess I didn’t have the best yet. I love traveling, but I haven’t traveled much in my life yet.

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

I don’t have many childhood memories. My memory sucks! But I remember (and it brings a smile to my face) when I used to sing and dance in the living room. I still love to dance and sing.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, I do. But I don’t believe in bad ghosts, the ones who are between us to scare and harm people. I believe in the ones who are here to support us and the ones that are lost between us when they’re supposed to go somewhere else.

Who is your celebrity crush?

Ben Afleck, always Ben Afleck and Ryan Reynolds.

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

I never go to Starbucks. It’s not a very common café here in Brazil, you may find a few stores in the big cities, but I live in a small town. I think I went just once and I don’t remember what I ordered. I remember I didn’t find anything very special about it. (I hope I don’t hurt anybody’s feelings here. )

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

I’m not very into cookies. I rarely eat them, when I do, my favorite is Chocolate Chips.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?


Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I used to be a pessimist, always worrying and complaining about things, even though I thought I was an optimist. Nowadays I think I’m very positive because I try to live in the moment and make the best of all situations.

Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?

My name is pretty common here in Brazil. I have already studied with 4 other girls with the same name and I worked with 3 ladies and a man named like me. I didn’t like that. Nowadays, I don’t mind. I think it’s not that important. There are things that matter most to me, so I don’t bother.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Anything with a lot of cheese. I love cheese!

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don’t judge people. You don’t know what they’ve been through.

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

I use an alarm clock. LOL

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

I have Japanese food every month. If I could, I would have it daily, unfortunatelly, it’s expensive. Hehe

What did you want to be when you were small?

A singer.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

None. None. None. I hate house chores.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

All of them! LOL

What would you do if you won the lottery?

First of all I would hire a professional to advise me because there’s so much I wanna do and I want to do it all without harming my wealth. Then, I would travel, buy a house at the beach, invest in family members’ projects/business and make a charity plan to donate in a regular basis.

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

Trees, birds and butterflies.

Share your favorite recipe with us.

I love all chicken recipes. One I tried and I love is Teryaki Chicken: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/233905774374718764/

Remember that news I mentioned earlier? This is directly from Dani’s email to her subscribers a few days ago:

I’m opening a new shop exclusively for templates at Gingerscraps. This is something I’ve been thinking about for months, I’ve talked to Ginger about it months ago and I created a few packs of templates, but not enough for a new shop. I don’t know the reason why I was in a creative block, but I was. I usually make templates from my own layouts and I struggled to scrap for almost an year and a half. I bet you saw me mention I wanted to scrap more… but my mojo resisted to come back. In May, I got back to scrapping and I feel inspired now and that was the perfect opportunity to make it happen. I talked to Ginger and she liked the idea…

Check out the goodies from the new JB Studio Template Shop – aren’t they just lovely?

Dani is also offering 40% off in her main shop through the 10th.

And make sure that you are downloading the Daily Download from the blog every day. The links only stay up for a few days.

Check out the JB Studio Store and JB Studio Template Store at GS, her Facebook Page, and her Blog.


  1. […] June Featured Designer – JB Studio – 1 freebie(s)? […]