GingerBread Girls Inspiration – Jen | hclappy

Can you guys believe that we are over half way done with the year already?! Before we know it, the holidays will be amoung us. Seriously?!? While I am trying to wrap my mind around that, let us get some inspiration from one of GingerScraps’ creative team members. If you didn’t know, they have the fun name of being a “GingerBread Girl”. Today we are going to get some inspiration from Jen…aka hclappy 









If you are looking for inspiration on how to fill a page & make it stand out, Jen’s gallery is where you need to be! Her gallery is full of beautiful layouts that are just brimming with photos, papers, and elements. Not a one looks too full or busy. Beautiful composition that really could pass as tangible/glue & scissors layout!

Some great inspiration to be had here! Don’t just take my word for it. All these images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. You can also check out her full gallery HERE! I hope you got some ideas and  inspiration from Jen…aka hclappy