In the Spotlight –

GingerScraps has the best praise team! There is never a layout without love in the gallery. Not just that, the love they leave is more than just a few passing “beautiful” and “love it!” comments. They take the time to leave thoughtful comments on the layouts. They have even been known to read journaling too!

With that in mind, we are going to take a look at and give love to the much deserved praise team! We are going to start out with non-other than the Lead Sugar Cookie herself.  Lydia…aka scrappinbella!

Lydia is one of the nicest ladies you will meet around scrappy town. She is also a talented scrapper! I am going to showcase (and leave love that the praise team would be proud of!) some of her layouts for you.

What a cute photo!!! I just want to give that puppy a hug. I really like the great balance this layout has with the clusters on each side. Great layering and paper choices as well!


I am a sucker for a blended photo layout. Especially when they are as well done as this one! What a cute photo; and great choice in making it black in white. It really allows for the color photo and the reds and greens to really pop!


Wow! That is so cool that he got to go there. Great photo of him on the course as well. I like that she chose to make the photo the focal point of the layout.


Another great golfing layout. Great example of taking a kit and scrapping outside the theme of it! I really like Lydia’s choice of paper on this layout. Fantastic use of the paper as well with all that great layering!


This layout grabbed my attention in the gallery. Such beautiful orange throughout and lovely photos! I like who the pretty flowers are the focus of the layout. With great title work and nice cluster at the bottom!

Not only is Lydia one of the sweetest ladies you will meet in the scrapping world, her gallery has some amazing inspiration! These are just a drop in the water. Go check out her GALLERY and look around. If you find yourself scraplifting and finding something that speaks to you in inspiration, let us know! Come back and link up your layout. We would love to see it. Happy Scrapping!


  1. lydia destefano says

    wow what a wonderful surprise!…such sweet words…I’m blushing…lol….Indeed, our GS cookies are awesome…thanks so much…xoxoxo

  2. JaninAlberta says

    The Sugar Cookie team is one of the things that drew me to Gingerscraps in the beginning. Like everybody else in the world, I appreciate compliments, especially when I’ve taken a lot of time and worked very hard on something. Sugar Cookie comments always go beyond the superficial and I was beyond ecstatic when I was asked to become a Cookie myself. Lydia leads the team so enthusiastically that it’s hard not to be excited about the work we do. Gingerscraps has the friendliest and most supportive community there is in the Digi world and we should all be proud of that.