I have not seen “Alice Through the Looking Glass” yet. I have heard this song though and I love it! I had a layout pop in my mind when I heard this song. I thought, it would be a great song to showcase on this month’s lyrical scrap.
Lyrical scrapping. What is that?! We get inspiration for layouts and more in just about everything in life. One of the main things I get inspiration from is music. I can promise you that our designers do as well! We are going to take a song and see what kind of inspiration we can come up with from it.
Take a look at this month’s lyrical inspiration. The video is below and here are the lyrics themselves.
What kind of digital scrapbooking inspiration can be had from this song? Oh…so much! You could go Disney, Alice in Wonderland, being an individual, owning who you are, being a little mad, being the boss, fire, and so so so much more.
Close your eyes, listen to the song again. What do you see scrapping? I cannot wait to get my layout scrapped. In the mean time, here are some great items that were inspired (to me) by this song.
Could not find the video for Alice. Did find the lyrics tho. Is it somewhere else?
That’s weird Mary. I show it in the blog post. Here it is for ya though. 🙂
Thank you so much for the link. It does not come up anywhere on the blog page on my computer. That is odd.