Greetings GingerScrappers! This month’s Featured Designer is Laurie of Laurie’s Scraps and Design. She’s got a HUGE sale running until the 15th and a fabulous Daily Download for y’all, so make sure you check it out.
Let’s get to know Laurie a little better. She granted me an interview today!
1… How long have you been designing?
Since 2008 but I took a 4 year break in between.
2… What is your design process?
I start with solid papers, then pattern, then frames, foliage, flowers, other non themed elements, then themed elements. But I mix it up depending on what theme the collection is.
3… What do you use to create your designs? (software, hardware, etc)
4… Describe your design workspace.
I got a nice new drawing 2 in 1 laptop a little while ago. (I LOVE IT!) I sit at my kitchen table so I can watch and help the kids when they need me.
5… What motivates and inspires you as a designer?
My kids, other designers, and life in general
6… What kit currently available in your GingerScraps store is your favourite? Why?
I have been changing my design style lately so all of my recent ones have been my favorite… but if I had to choose one, I think it would be “Walk the Plank“.
7… Do you craft outside the digital world?
I love to when I have time, but it has been a long time since I have time for it.
8… What is the last book you read?
Uhhhhhh…. I can’t remember! Reading has never been my thing. I like to create instead.
9… Tea or coffee?
Neither… don’t like the taste of either one. The closest I get is Kombucha. I brew my own kombucha at home!
10… Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Sweets…. mainly cupcakes and chocolate. I LOVE CUPCAKES!
11… If time travel were possible, where would you go and why?
OOOHH, this is a hard one. I am married to a history teacher, so all time periods are interesting to me now. But I would have to say the 1920’s…. the culture and historical events are so interesting to me.
12… What’s your favourite thing about GingerScraps?
I love all the great customers who are involved and participate in the challenges and post layouts using my designs. I live to see how my designs are used!
13… If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Invisibility… so I can hide from screaming kids when I need to!
Thanks Laurie!
[…] August Designer Spotlight – 1 freebie(s)? […]