August Designer Spotlight


Greetings GingerScrappers! This month’s Featured Designer is Laurie of Laurie’s Scraps and Design. She’s got a HUGE sale running until the 15th and a fabulous Daily Download for y’all, so make sure you check it out.

Let’s get to know Laurie a little better. She granted me an interview today!

1… How long have you been designing?

Since 2008 but I took a 4 year break in between.

2… What is your design process?

I start with solid papers, then pattern, then frames, foliage, flowers, other non themed elements, then themed elements. But I mix it up depending on what theme the collection is.

3… What do you use to create your designs? (software, hardware, etc)


4… Describe your design workspace.

I got a nice new drawing 2 in 1 laptop a little while ago. (I LOVE IT!) I sit at my kitchen table so I can watch and help the kids when they need me.

5… What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

My kids, other designers, and life in general

6… What kit currently available in your GingerScraps store is your favourite? Why?

I have been changing my design style lately so all of my recent ones have been my favorite… but if I had to choose one, I think it would be “Walk the Plank“.

7… Do you craft outside the digital world?

I love to when I have time, but it has been a long time since I have time for it.

8… What is the last book you read?

Uhhhhhh…. I can’t remember! Reading has never been my thing. I like to create instead.

9… Tea or coffee?

Neither… don’t like the taste of either one. The closest I get is Kombucha. I brew my own kombucha at home!

10… Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Sweets…. mainly cupcakes and chocolate. I LOVE CUPCAKES!

11… If time travel were possible, where would you go and why?

OOOHH, this is a hard one. I am married to a history teacher, so all time periods are interesting to me now. But I would have to say the 1920’s…. the culture and historical events are so interesting to me.

12… What’s your favourite thing about GingerScraps?

I love all the great customers who are involved and participate in the challenges and post layouts using my designs. I live to see how my designs are used!

13… If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Invisibility… so I can hide from screaming kids when I need to!

Thanks Laurie!


  1. […] August Designer Spotlight – 1 freebie(s)? […]

  2. […] Hey all you GingerScrappers! It’s April and our Designer Spotlight is on Laurie of Laurie’s Scraps & Designs. Laurie was in the hot seat in August 2017 and I’ve already interviewed her so I’m not going to put her through all that again. If you’d like to get to know her a bit better, you can find our interview right here. […]