Oh. My. Goodness! Spring is going to be here soon. Wait … um, no. SUMMER will be here soon! Spring … it was too short!
Speaking of too short, May was too short! The month flew by with a gorgeous kit created by Mags Graphics. I don’t have a link or anything for it, but it should be in the store soon!!
This month’s DD was created by North Meets South Studios, aka Connie of Connie Prince and Tracy of Trixie Scraps!
They did a great job, and you’re going to almost wish you had to move! ALMOST!
Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.
Très bien.
Maggie’s Daily download is in store now. Here’s link for bundle:
Thank you very much.
I love the colors this month and what a nice alpha! Thank you!