Archives for November 4, 2018

November Feature Designer(s) – Part 1

Happy November to all my scrapping friends. Can you believe it’s this close to the end of the year and to the holiday season?

I’m so excited to bring you TWO Feature Designer interviews for November. One now and another tomorrow. I wanted to give each of these fabulous ladies their own spotlight.

Miss Fish Templates and JoCee Designs have teamed up this month to be our Feature Designers. Today I’ll talk to Juli of Miss Fish Templates. Let’s see her answers to my questions.

How long have you been designing?

2 years

What made you decide to design?

I had been scrapping for 14 years. I wanted a way to make some extra money so I could afford to get my hair professionally colored. My digi friends suggested trying to make templates to make some extra money. I have smart friends!!!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop CC. I doodle a lot while at meetings at my real life job.

Describe your design workplace.

I work in our family room so I can be with my family and interact with them while I work. I have a gaming lap top hooked up to a double wide monitor that sits in our shelves next to the fireplace. Some times I take it on the road and work at Starbucks or in hotels while we are on vacation.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

I design templates based on what my CT and my customers want. I try to make products that people can use to get their memories scrapped faster, but at the same time offers plenty of room to be creative. I am inspired by other scrappers, trends in fashion and decorating and other designers.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store?

Blended Stories 1

Now for some fun getting to know you questions:

What was your first job?

My first ever job was working in a nursing home at the front desk checking in guests and welcoming people.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Do Disney characters count? I’ve met lots of those when my girls were younger. We had Disney passes.

What are you reading right now?

I don’t have time to read to be honest. I use all my non-work time to keep up my house and play games on my phone.

What is your favorite quote?

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Learn Adobe Illustrator. I’d like to learn how to make kits.

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Michelle Obama

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Text messages (I have 2 teen age girls and couldn’t live without it), Starbucks, Target.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Clean my house/car and cook meals for my family

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Back in time to spend more time with my grandparents and my step-dad. Miss them so much!!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

Target – Stuck in the Middle campaign.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Wine for sure. Thankfully I live near the beach so I could have a few glasses and watch the sun set.

Thanks Juli – those were awesome answers. I’m not ashamed to admit I have a TON of her templates. I absolutely love them. I actually just used the template above last week. I love the blended look.

Make sure to check out her store at Gingerscraps, her Facebook fan page and her Facebook group – The Fish Bowl. You just never know when she’s going to run a cool contest to give away some of her templates. Her store is also on sale for 40% off through November 18th.

Here is the sneak peek of the kit she and JoCee did together.

Make sure to come back tomorrow for my interview with JoCee Designs!!